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No change in size, 09:17, 24 February 2012
== ==
[ AWFY] is a very successful site used to track the performance of Firefox's JavaScript engine. Why was AWFY so successful? Some key characteristics.
* The benchmarks were easy to choose: everybody already used SS and V8, and then Mozilla released Kraken. They run quickly, too, which is nice for devs, and allows expensive tools (like Cachegrind) to be used.
* The metrics were easy to choose. SS time, V8 time, Kraken time. They can be measured easily, precisely, and fairly repeatably. You can break the total time down into per-benchmark times, which really helps with understanding improvements and regressions. They're easy for devs to run on their own machine.
* There was a well-defined goal: match or beat the other browsers.
In comparison, for AWSY memory consumption there is no good and/or standard benchmark suite; metrics are less clear and/or harder to measure; and most importantly, there's no well-defined goal w.r.t. any benchmarks.
Nonetheless, we've created a memory benchmark and are tracking Firefox's performance on it over time, to provide a sense of MemShrink progress and detect regressions. It is available at [ AWSY], inspired by.

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