android:syncAdapterSettingsAction defaults to null and if supplied it specifies an Intent action of an activity that can be used to adjust the sync adapter's sync settings. The activity must live in the same package as the sync adapter.
== <h2> Localization ==</h2><p></p><p>Strings used in Firefox need to be localized into ALL THE LANGUAGES. Here's how to add a string.</p><ol><li> Add the string as an entity to <b>$topdir/</b>. These are the actual strings that get localized, and should never be changed after landing. If you do need to make a change, make a new string entity, and do not change or delete any previous ones.</li><li> Add the entity to <b>$topdir/</b>. This makes the string available in /res/values/strings.xml.</li><li> Run the preprocess script twice to generate the strings in strings.xml for use. These can be accessed using <b>@string/<string-name from strings.xml></b> when used in xml, or <b>R.strings.<string-name></b> in Java code.</li></ol>
== Schemas ==