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282 bytes added, 19:38, 30 March 2012
First run of JimDB
For each loaded library you'll see whether symbols were found: Yes, No, or "Yes (*)" meaning no debug info. Press Enter until the listing is complete. You want to make two things sure:
* Ensure that libXUL has debug info i.e. you should see a plain Yes for If not, that means that something is wrong with your fennec build (is it a non-debug build?) or with your gdbinit (see above).
* Ensure that no library has a No. Typically, some system drivers will give you a No. For each such library, you want to manually pull it from the device into moz-gdb/lib/<device hex id>/pathsystem/lib. These drivers are typically found in /vendor on your device. Do pull them into system/lib on your computed, as this is where JimDB will find them, even if on the device they are not in /system/lib. There is one dummy library about which GDB will still report "no":  No org.mozilla.fennec_foobar Do not worry about that one.

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