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5,059 bytes added, 06:40, 9 June 2012
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Mozbot 's Current Project Page ==Download==* [;module=all&amp;branch=HEAD&amp;branchtype=match&amp;dir=mozilla%2Fwebtools%2Fmozbot&amp;file=&amp;filetype=match&amp;who=&amp;whotype=match&amp;sortby=Date&amp;hours=2&amp;date=all&amp;mindate=&amp;maxdate=&amp;cvsroot=%2Fcvsroot Change Log]* [[Mozbot/FAQ|FAQ]]* [[Mozbot/Documentation|Documentation]]* [[Mozbot/Roadmap|Roadmap]]* [[Mozbot/Hacking|Hacking Mozbot]] Mozbot and all of its source code are available for download. Mozbot is licensed under the [ Mozilla Public License], and is thus free to use and modify under most circumstances. You can download a tarball of the latest current stable version of Mozbot or older versions from ['s FTP server]. The current release will always be:* [ mozbot-LATEST.tar.gz] If you have a tarball, you can update to the newest release using the CVS instructions below. This is a good way to update if you've made local changes, as CVS will attempt to merge your changes with the current release (although you may have to do some merging yourself if it finds conflicts between what you changed and what we changed - see the [ CVS documentation] for details on conflict resolution). Be sure to see the [ Installation] section of the mozbot documentation (there's also a copy included in the tarball). If you want to know what's changed from one version to the next, [;module=all&amp;branch=HEAD&amp;branchtype=match&amp;dir=mozilla%2Fwebtools%2Fmozbot&amp;file=&amp;filetype=match&amp;who=&amp;whotype=match&amp;sortby=Date&amp;hours=2&amp;date=all&amp;mindate=&amp;maxdate=&amp;cvsroot=%2Fcvsroot view the changelogs for Mozbot] (generated directly from the raw CVS checkin messages). ===Older Versions=== *[ mozbot-2.4.tar.gz]*[ Project Pagewebtools/mozbot-2.2.tar.gz mozbot-2.2.tar.gz===Mozbot CVS=== If you'd like to have some additional flexibility, you can get mozbot from's anonymous CVS server. Of course, with this added flexibility comes a little bit more complexity. ====Update Existing Install====<strong>NOTE:</strong> You do not need to shut down (or even restart) your bot during this process. Changes will take effect automatically! If you have a tarball, it is already primed for being updated via CVS. This allows updating to a newer version without downloading a new tarball. The first thing you need to do is login to the CVS server anonymously. <pre>$ cd &lt;mozbot install directory&gt;$ cvs login(Logging in to password: anonymous</pre> If you have an existing install that you'd like to update, you can use the <code>cvs update</code> command. However, you must use either the <code>-A</code> or a <code>-r</code> flag.</p> If you wish to update to the most recent stable release, you should use the <code>Mozbot_Stable</code> tag. <pre>$ cvs update -rMozbot_Stable -dP</pre> If you want to run the latest CVS tip (at your own risk), then use the <code>-A</code> flag. <pre>$ cvs update -A -dP</pre> You can also checkout older versions using CVS tags. All version tags since 2.2 follow the format of <code>MOZBOT-2_2</code>. The syntax is the same as above for the <code>Mozbot_Stable</code> tag. If you would like to submit patches, we'd prefer that you do so against the tip rather than a stable version. If you can't do your patch against the tip, then we'd rather have it against a release than not have it at all. ====Initial Checkout====If you do not have mozbot yet then you must use the <code>cvs checkout -d mozbot mozilla/webtools/mozbot</code> command. This is more difficult than downloading the tarball because of mozbot's location in's CVS repository is three levels deep. The first thing you have to do is log in to the CVS repository anonymously. <pre>$ export$ cvs login(Logging in to password: anonymous</pre> After that, you can either checkout the CVS tip or a specific release tag. <pre>$ cvs checkout -d mozbot mozilla/webtools/mozbot</pre> If you wish to get the most recent release out of CVS, you should use the <code>Mozbot_Stable</code> tag. <pre>$ cvs checkout -d mozbot -rMozbot_Stable mozilla/webtools/mozbot</pre> The mozbot files will now be in the <code>mozbot</code> subdirectory of the current working directory. <strong>Note:</strong> The commands above use the syntax for bash like shells. Other shells, such as csh or windows, should be the same for everything but setting the environment variable. Sample syntax for these two shells are shown below. <pre>csh: % setenv CVSROOT &quot;;win: &gt; SET CVSROOT=&quot;;</pre> Any other shell's syntax is left as an exercise for the reader.
== Quality Assurance ==
== IRC Testing ==
* Channel - [irc:// #mozbot]
* Bots in #mozbot
** trunkbot - Trunk version of Mozbot
** stablebot - Mozbot 2.6
** patchbot - Bot for testing patches to the trunk
** thebot - Bot from #mozdev
** firebot - Wolf's modified mozbot on #firefox
== Active Developers ==
* Wolf
* Cww
* [[User:tmyoung| tmyoung]]

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