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Remote Debugging Protocol

361 bytes added, 04:48, 24 August 2012
Change long string grip actor's 'substring' packet to take start and end, not start and length.
The client can find the full contents of a long string by sending a request to the long string grip actor of the form:
{ "to":<i>gripActor</i>, "type":"substring", "start":<i>start</i>, "lengthend":<i>lengthend</i> }
where <i>start</i> and <i>lengthend</i> are integers. This requests the substring starting at the <i>lengthstart</i> characters long'th character, starting at and ending before the <i>startend</i>'th character. The actor replies as follows:
{ "from":<i>gripActor</i>, "substring":<i>string</i> }
where <i>string</i> is the requested portion of the string the actor represents.Values for <i>start</i> less than zero are treated as zero; values greater than the length of the string are treated as the length of the string. Values for <i>end</i> are treated similarly. If <i>end</i> is less than <i>start</i>, the two values are swapped. (This is meant to be the same behavior as JavaScript's <code>String.prototype.substr</code>.)
Like object grip actors, long string grip actors must only receive messages from the client while the thread is in the <b>Paused</b> state.

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