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Firefox:1.5.0.x:Major Update 1.5.0.x to 2.0.0.x

1,123 bytes added, 17:54, 22 January 2007
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This page cover the strategy for testing major updates going from 150x to 200x. Users of the latest 150x should be presented with the option to do a major update. If they choose this option and agree to the licence agreement, they should be updated to a version of 200x.

At a basic level we should:
*Make sure updates are presented
*'''Make sure the user profile is preserved after the major update'''
*'''Make sure updates don't break basic functionality for user (ability to bookmark, add feeds, and such)'''

Currently we have a testing environment setup that allows us to test major updates end to end. Just install 1509 and edit the channel-prefs.js file to point to "releasetest" and check manually for updates. It should present you with the option to jump to As a reference we should take a look at the test cases already in Litmus. Follow the link bellow.

This is an unorder list of tests spun off the Revised Software Update test cases in Litmus, under the [ Major/Minor Eula UI Functionality]
Canmove, confirm

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