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Cross Site XMLHttpRequest

1,469 bytes added, 00:44, 23 January 2007
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Cross-Site XMLHttpRequest allows a web page to read information from other web servers using norm XMLHttpRequest. In the past this has not been permitted since the other server may be sitting inside a corporate firewall or may be a server where the user is logged in.

To solve this problem it is suggested that the accessed server can signal back to the browser that it is ok for other sites to access certain pages on the server. Firefox checks for this and only returns the response to the page if the server explicitly allows it. Otherwise the browser will throw away the response from the server and throw an exception.

== Details ==

There is currently no finished spec for how this should work. The latest draft spec is available here [].

== Security worries ==

* The first thing that worries me is that you can make POST submissions to any url and include XML data as payload. It is already possible to make POST submissions to any url, but the only possible payload is plain/text encoded form data or multipart/mixed encoded files and form data. With Cross-Site XMLHttpRequest it would be possible to send XML data. In particular there is worry that this would make it possible to do SOAP requests to any server. Note that while the page would be unable to access the data returned by the SOAP request, that isn't necessary if the request itself is "transfer all users money to account 12345-67"

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