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779 bytes added, 17:23, 21 November 2012
Round Table
== Round Table ==
Firefox Ratings on Google Play:
5 star -> 82,175
4 star -> 25,701
3 star -> 15,238
2 star -> 9,602
1 star -> 15,435
Overall rating: 4.01
You can view the feedback we've received on ARMv6 at [ This Etherpad]. The most troublesome phone is the Samsung Admire, we've gotten two 1-star reviews on Google Play for that device (only device mentioned twice).
<b>17 Release</b>
Release has been fairly smooth so far. We've fixed the Android 4.2 crash, and we also seem to have improved the keyboard experience. SUMO will be tracking any major issues through the rest of today. Expect a report this afternoon. Tyler will be off and traveling until Monday (so next week he won't have a Christmas Tree behind him).

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