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19,333 bytes added, 16:41, 22 January 2013
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== Overview == Mozbase is a set of easy-to-use Python packages forming a supplemental standard library for Mozilla. It provides consistency and reduces redundancy in automation and other system-level software. All of Mozilla's test harnesses use mozbase to some degree, including Talos, mochitest, reftest, Autophone, and Eideticker. '''Repository''': '''Documentation''': '''Bugs''':* [ bugs in the Mozbase component]* [ other mozbase bugs] Please file bugs against The roadmap of getting mozbase on mozilla-central is detailed at ''Mozbase requires python 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7'''''however, Talos still requires compatibility with python 2.4 ({{bug|734466}}), so mozbase dependencies in *must* be kept compatible with python 2.4''' == Development Practices == If you're developing mozbase code, you're in luck! You've found the right place to read about our development practices. Please do :) === Getting Help with Mozbase === Mozbase is developed by the [ Automation and Tools team]. It is under the governorship of [ Will Lachance (:wlach)] and [ Jeff Hammel (:jhammel)]. Please feel free to stop by [irc:// #ateam] on IRC with any questions and we will be happy to help you! Or if something is wrong, [ please file a bug] and we'll look at it as soon as possible. === Installing Mozbase for Development === ==== Initial Setup ==== (Some of these steps may not be necessary if you've already set up your computer for development.) * Install [ Mozilla build prerequisites], as well as a copy of [ git]. * (''windows-only'') Launch the 'start-l10n.bat', to get a mozilla-build environment. * Install [ virtualenv], if it's not on your system already. If on Windows, be sure to do this from inside the shell launched via 'start-l10n.bat'. ==== Installing Mozbase ==== * Create a [ virtualenv]:  virtualenv mozbase * Activate the virtualenv:  cd mozbase; . bin/activate * Create a source directory:  mkdir src * Clone mozbase in the source directory:  cd src; git clone git:// * Install packages in the virtualenv  cd mozbase; python === Working on Mozbase and Contributing Patches === Changes to mozbase require peer review of a properly filed bug. Here's a workflow that will help you make changes to mozbase in isolation. * If there isn't one already on file, [ create a bug] corresponding to your issue in the mozbase bugzilla component. * Inside the mozbase checkout, create a local branch corresponding to your bug:  git checkout -b bug-xxxxxxx * ''Develop your patch'' * If people commit work to the master branch while you're working on your patch, you can make things up to date by issuing the following commands from your checked out branch:  git pull origin master git rebase master * When you're happy with your work, commit your changes, giving them a descriptive title from the bug summary:  Bug 706981 - Check for DistributionNotFound error * Generate a patch for your bug  git show --format="From:&#160;%an &lt;%ae&gt;%n%s%n%b" &gt; bug-xxxx.patch * Attach the patch to the bug and ask the appropriate person for review. If further changes are required, you can amend changes to your patch by using 'git commit --amend'. When you're all done, ask someone with mozbase commit privileges to merge your changes into the mozilla mozbase repository. This is a recommended way of working with mozbase. In general the important things are:* having an bug filed in [ bugzilla]* having a patch on bugzilla that applies against [ the mozbase github repository] master 'HEAD' What '''NOT''' to do:* don't use github issues. We track our development with bugzilla, so if you file a github issue that just makes more work for us to file a corresponding bugzilla issue and have double the issues to close out* don't use pull requests. This again requires us to do more work duplicating the pull request and associated patch in bugzilla  === Design Principles === * if we're extending the standard library, we should extend via inheritance** we are free to extend and add new methods, but we should support the existing methods when possible === Adding a New Mozbase Package === A new mozbase package should start with version '0.0'. It should be bumped to a real version when released to pypi === Tests === Mozbase packages are accompanied by tests in order to ensure and illustrate proper functionality. * each mozbase package should have tests in a 'tests' subdirectory of the root **''Example'': * these should be self-executing [ python unittests]**''Example'':* these tests should be contained in a manifest; the master test manifest, , is executed via [] Continuous integration via [ autobot] is at ==== Running the tests ==== You will need [ make] and [ gcc] in order to run the tests. If you're running windows, this is available in [ MozillaBuild]. Ensure that all mozbase packages are installed as the tests require them. Then run the [] test runner from the root of the git repository:  python This will run all tests from [ test-manifest.ini] which is parsed with [ ManifestDestiny]. On success '' should print the number of tests run and 'OK':  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 56 tests in 114.807s OK === Check-in policy === ==== Review Policy ==== '''All''' changes should be reviewed before landing. The one exception is version bumps. See for how these are done. If you have admin permissions to the upstream [ mozbase repository], you can land the reviewed patch on your own. Otherwise you should ask someone else to get the patch landed. ==== Landing the patch ==== '''Please never use the Github auto-merge feature!''' To land the patch on the target branch make use of the '''git merge --squash''' command, which will land the patch as a single commit. After running this command you will have to issue a new commit message before being able to push the changes. Make sure that you add the right author if the patch wasn't created by yourself. Also use the right commit message format as shown below which includes the bug number and the list of reviewers. Here an example how to land a patch from the '''feature''' branch onto '''master''': * git checkout master* git checkout -b feature* git pull remote feature # or git am patch* '''TEST''' the patch by [ running existent tests]* git merge --squash feature* git commit -a -m "Bug XYZ - Add new feature to mozbase; r=reviewer" --author="foo <foo@bar>"* git push master === Versioning ===  * NOTE: you need to have a ~/.pypirc file defined (username/password are account credentials for * [server-login] * username:username * password:password The major version should be bumped when the API changes in a non-backwards-compatible way or for other large conceptual changes. Otherwise, the minor version may be bumped. The version doesn't have to be bumped if there is no new release planned for PyPI. When you bump a version of any mozbase package, it should be released to [ pypi]:  python egg_info -RDb "" sdist register upload and the github repository should be tagged a la 'mozrunner-1.2'. If multiple package versions are bumped, then the same changeset should be tagged for each of the package versions bumped. Tagging the version on github:  git pull --tags mozilla master git tag mozrunner-1.5.5 git push --tags mozilla master ==== Using ==== A script,, located at been written to perform the steps for[ mozbase versioning] * make sure you are on the master branch of the mozbase repository. If you aren't the script will bail out. * make sure you don't have any uncommitted changes. If you do, the script will bail out. * you should probably pull from prior to running the script. If not, the script will attempt to do this for you, though it will not attempt to resolve conflicts * as per usual, running <pre> --help</pre> will display usage information and help about CLI options * <pre> --info</pre> will display the package versions and their dependencies and exit In order to bump versions, is used like: mozrunner=5.8 mozprofile=0.5 -m 'bug 123456 - bump mozprofile to 0.5' You should pass in all the packages that need bumping. If you specifya package which is pegged as an exact dependency of anotherpackage (e.g. mozrunner requires mozprofile == 0.5), you must alsobump all packages which exactly depend on this package. As anexample: mozprofile=0.5 would not work as mozrunner requires mozprofile==0.4 (as of thiswriting) and all packages in the repository HEAD must be compatiblewith all other packages in the repository. In addition, packagespegged with '>=' also follow this rule unless --strict is passed. * running <pre> --diff path/to/file</pre> will output the resultant diff to the file and revert the repository. The repository will not be tagged nor will anything be uploaded to pypi * -m or --message should be passed to the command line in order to finalize the commit, tag the repository, and upload to pypi. If you do not pass -m or --message, the changes will be made to your working copy but not committed. The repository will not be tagged nor will packages be uploaded to pypi * --dry-run will print out what will do but no files will be changed or commands actually called It is encouraged to use --diff and/or --dry-run before actually doingthe version bump to make sure that it will do what you expect it todo. In the case where a known error is encountered, versionbump.pywill revert to the original (clean) repository state. In the casewhere an unexpected error is encountered, the repository state is notreverted (so that it is easier to debug what happened). Limitations of * it is expected that versions are specified as <pre>PACKAGE_VERSION = '1.2.3'</pre> (or "1.2.3"). They currently all are. * can only handle simple dependencies. That is for install_requires, foo, foo == 1.2.3, bar >= 4.5.6 are fine, but foo == 1.1, == 1.2 is not. Mozbase currently only has simple dependencies. === Mirroring === A copy of mozbase is mirrored to mozilla-central for use by softwarethere: . All commits should be made against the github mozbase repository, notmozilla-central. Mozbase packages are mirrored from released versions: . Abug should be filed to mirror the appropriate package stating thereason the package should be mirrored. When appropriate, mozbasepackages should be mirrored on version bump. Since several packages in mozbase are dependent on other mozbasepackages, care must be taken to ensure that the versions of thepackages on m-c are kept compatible with each other. All packagesdependent on the package to be mirrored should also version-bumped andmirrored. Similarly, if any of the packages that the package to bemirrored depends on have not already been mirrored to m-c, theseshould also be mirrored. A script has been written to aid with package mirrroring:[] .This script: * ensures that your copy of mozilla-central is clean. This means no outstanding changes and no untracked files in [ testing/mozbase]. Because `` manipulates the repository using `hg`, this is necessary.* clones a fresh copy of the [ mozbase repository]* ensures that the tags associated with the specified packages and associated versions exist* checks that the versions specified are internally consistent with what is in m-c And if everything looks good... * generates a diff that will upgrade the specified packages to the specified versions. Unless specified with `-o`, the output will be in the current working directory named after the hash tag of the git repo '''Usage:''' [options] package1[=version1] <package2=version2> <...> ''(as displayed with: ` --help`)'' Example:  │./ mozcrash=0.3 Cloning into 'mozbase'... remote: Counting objects: 3883, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1746/1746), done. remote: Total 3883 (delta 2198), reused 3773 (delta 2105) Receiving objects: 100% (3883/3883), 1.16 MiB | 241 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (2198/2198), done. Note: checking out 'mozcrash-0.3'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b new_branch_name HEAD is now at 1634023... Bug 813132 - support tbpl friendly output from mozcrash and python 2.4 HEAD is now at 1634023... Bug 813132 - support tbpl friendly output from mozcrash and python 2.4 removing testing/mozbase/mozcrash/ undeleting testing/mozbase/mozcrash/ reverting testing/mozbase/mozcrash/mozcrash/ reverting testing/mozbase/mozcrash/mozcrash/ reverting testing/mozbase/mozcrash/ Diff at /home/jhammel/mozilla/src/mozilla-central/testing/mozbase/1634023250af1cb9bce9ccbf9dfe620e4a95c970.diff === Licensing === Mozbase code will be [ Mirroring checked into mozilla-central]. Therefore, code should be appropriately licensed with MPL2. See to find a copy. === Documentation === * full docs are found in the [ top-level docs directory] and hosted at []. We're always looking for help [[Auto-tools/Projects/MozBase/WritingDocs|writing docs]]. * [ this page] is the mozbase project page that gives information for core mozbase developers and about the project itself. Documentation may move to and from this page and the various READMEs and full docs. === Directory Structure and Imports === The [ mozbase repository] contains several packages. Each package should have a directory structure like:  ${PACKAGE} ${PACKAGE}/ ${PACKAGE}/ ${PACKAGE}/${PACKAGE} ${PACKAGE}/${PACKAGE}/ Even if the package consists of a single module, this structure should be used (vs. py_modules) and '' set to   from ${MODULE} import * (with a sensible '__all__' defined in the module). This structure serves several purposes: * this allows packages to be installed with the '' script* if packages cannot be installed (for deployment reasons), altering 'sys.path' (or '$PYTHONPATH') can be used to utilize* with single-module packages, you get a sensibly named file that is imported in '' and can be mirrored easily and it conforms to how all of the other packages work  === Downstream packages === Many mozbase packages depend on other mozbase packages. The packages and their versions at should be kept compatible with one another. Other packages also depend on mozbase: and version changes should be tested against downstream packages to ensure compatibility === PyPI === Releases of mozbase [ packages]are uploaded to the [ Python Package Index (pypi)]so that they may be easily consumed by [ setuptools] and other installers. Package owners: * ahal* ctalbert* davehunt* David.Burns* elvis314* jgriffin* k0s* markrcote* whimboo* wlach == Integration Notes == Notes on integration with existing test harnesses. === Mozbase and Mozharness === Mozbase and mozharness overlap intent with respect to making testing software and tools reusable and easy to write and extend. mozharness docs: Production use of mozharness will use mozbase packages from an internal pypi: ) * mozprocess (basic low level process management)** subclass popen*** open*** poll*** kill*** wait*** stdout*** pid** readWithTimeout* mozfile (os file i/o managemenet)** copyfile** removedir** makedir* mozlog (log file management)** write** init === unique to harnesses ===* mozenv** addvars** createenv* mozprofile** addExtension(s)** addPref(s)** writeProfile** copyProfile** renameProfile** deleteProfile

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