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1,800 bytes added, 08:15, 20 February 2013
interface nsIDOMMozMobileConnectionManager : nsIDOMEventTarget
readonly attribute jsval mobileConnections; readonly attribute nsIDOMMozMobileConnection defaultMobileConnection;
We don't modify the existed interface, like nsIDOMMobileConnectionnsIDOMMozMobileConnection, nsIDOMMozMobileConnectionInfo ...etc, to minimize the coding effort of gaia.  interface nsIDOMMozMobileConnection : nsIDOMEventTarget { const long ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_DATA = (1 << 1); const long ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_FAX = (1 << 2); const long ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_SMS = (1 << 3); const long ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_DATA_SYNC = (1 << 4); const long ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_DATA_ASYNC = (1 << 5); const long ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_PACKET = (1 << 6); const long ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_PAD = (1 << 7); const long ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_MAX = (1 << 7); readonly attribute DOMString cardState; readonly attribute nsIDOMMozMobileICCInfo iccInfo; readonly attribute nsIDOMMozMobileConnectionInfo voice; readonly attribute nsIDOMMozMobileConnectionInfo data; readonly attribute DOMString networkSelectionMode; readonly attribute nsIDOMMozIccManager icc; nsIDOMDOMRequest getNetworks(); nsIDOMDOMRequest selectNetwork(in nsIDOMMozMobileNetworkInfo network); nsIDOMDOMRequest selectNetworkAutomatically(); nsIDOMDOMRequest getCardLock(in DOMString lockType); nsIDOMDOMRequest unlockCardLock(in jsval info); nsIDOMDOMRequest setCardLock(in jsval info); nsIDOMDOMRequest sendMMI(in DOMString mmi); nsIDOMDOMRequest cancelMMI(); nsIDOMDOMRequest setCallForwardingOption(in nsIDOMMozMobileCFInfo CFInfo); nsIDOMDOMRequest getCallForwardingOption(in unsigned short reason); [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oncardstatechange; [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oniccinfochange; [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onvoicechange; [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondatachange; [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onussdreceived; [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondataerror; [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onicccardlockerror; [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oncfstatechange; };
interface nsIDOMMozMobileConnectionInfo : nsISupports
readonly attribute DOMString state; readonly attribute bool connected; readonly attribute bool emergencyCallsOnly; readonly attribute bool roaming; readonly attribute nsIDOMMozMobileNetworkInfo network; readonly attribute DOMString type; readonly attribute jsval signalStrength; readonly attribute jsval relSignalStrength; readonly attribute nsIDOMMozMobileCellInfo cell;
=== Use Case ===

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