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People:MozSpaces Guidelines

1,645 bytes added, 05:31, 25 March 2013
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** If a situation occurs where the Space has conflicting events, the primary use of the space must go to work weeks or core contributor meetings.
** These events can only be hosted in the community space and not exceed the maximum room capacity in that space. (Paid staff area is off limits)
<h3>Our Guests</h3>
A guest is any non-Mozillian who comes to one of our spaces for a meeting or to work with a team for a period of time (less than 5 days), on a Mozilla-related project (this includes candidates onsite for interviews).
* Your guest must sign into the Mozilla Space (there is typically a sign-in sheet at the front desk in each building). This part is critical from an emergency-planning perspective so please insist.
* Your guests are welcome to snacks and drinks in the common kitchen areas (but they need to steer clear of any alcohol for liability purposes).
* Your guest must be at least 18 years of age unless their parents are with them or have given their consent.
* Your guest is expected to be respectful of our space. If they need to move furniture around or use AV equipment in conference rooms, please do it for them.
<h3>Long-term Guests (Visits longer than one-week)</h3>
If you have a guest visiting a Mozilla Space for more than one week, WRP needs a heads-up. They will work with you to find a suitable workspace for your guest (outside of the common area).
In most cases, a guest is welcome for the length of time needed to get the work done. There is no set maximum number of days, since each situation is unique. By way of a guideline, we’d expect guests visiting for more than a few weeks to be an anomaly.
* If you are a paid-staff member, please use Service Now to request support for your long-term guest.
* If you are a volunteer, please submit your request via this Request Form.
No catering provided for “meetings” and space is booked through Zimbra. WRP is not involved.
<h3>Location-specific Guidelines</h3>
Confirm, emeritus

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