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ReleaseEngineering/PuppetAgain/HowTo/Build RPMs

1,185 bytes removed, 22:11, 2 April 2013
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For review, include the modified .spec in your r? for changes to the puppet repository.
= Landing =When the patch is r+'d, commit it as usual, and also add *both* the RPM (or multiple RPMs if multiple architectures are required!) and the SRPM into See [[ReleaseEngineering/PuppetAgain/data Packages]] for details on landing the designated puppet master (releng-puppet1.srv.releng.scl3), so that it will be distributed to other systems. Debuginfo RPMs are a good idea, too. Run createrepo --update $repo_pathto update the metadata. Example session:<pre># at releng-puppet1.srv.releng.scl3$ wget$ wget$ chmod 644 *.rpm$ sudo chown puppetagainsync:puppetagainsync *.rpm$ sudo mv -vi *.rpm /data/repos/yum/releng/public/CentOS/6/noarch/`supervisor-3.0-0.10.a12.el6.noarch.rpm' -> `/data/repos/yum/releng/public/CentOS/6/noarch/supervisor-3.0-0.10.a12.el6.noarch.rpm'`supervisor-3.0-0.10.a12.el6.src.rpm' -> `/data/repos/yum/releng/public/CentOS/6/noarch/supervisor-3.0-0.10.a12.el6.src.rpm'$ sudo -u puppetagainsync createrepo --update /data/repos/yum/releng/public/CentOS/6/noarch2/2 - supervisor-3.0-0.10.a12.el6.src.rpm Saving Primary metadataSaving file lists metadataSaving other metadata</pre>
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