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1,375 bytes added, 21:38, 18 August 2007
initial summary of meeting on Sat. 18th (3:30 EDT)
= Bonsai Development =

Continued development of bonsai is being done by bear, timelyx and micklweiss.

== Objectives ==
* As our main objective is we would like to get bonsai working with svn.
* We would like to make the code generic enough so others can write support for their favorite VCS

== Meeting notes from Meeting on IRC ==
* we will use landfill to host the development
* Mick still needs access to landfill
* a functional test suite will be made for bonsai/cvs (this will be reused for bonsai/svn). this will most likely be done with selenium/selenium ide
* source will be on bear's svn server
* <timelyx> but i'm not sure how much time i have to do commits, i'm hoping to mostly advise

== things to be answered ==
* since development started, has bonsai changed any?
* what works
* what doesn't
* is there anything where bear is "stuck"?
* should we go from the ground up (like bear has started) -- or does it make sense to refactor piece by piece

== tests that need to be written ==
conceptually, you have:
* create file
* commit to 1 file
* commit with no comment
* commit with evil comment
* copy file
* delete 1 file
* commit 1 file in each of 2 directories
* create branch
* create tag
* delete branch
* delete version
* move tag
* delete tag
* commit by each of two users at the same time with the same comment on 2 different branches of the same file

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