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47 bytes added, 16:33, 19 August 2007
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<h2>SVG width/height vs. CSS width/height</h2>
The affect of the CSS properties is reasonably well defined. An important question to answer is, what part do the SVG 'width', 'height' and 'viewBox' attributes play, and how do they interact with the CSS properties? It has [ become clear] that SVG is to be treated as a [ replaced element] in CSS contexts. It has also become clear that the intrinsic dimensions that the SVG must pass to the [ CSS replaced element algorithm algorithms] are to [ come from the SVG 'width', 'height' and 'viewBox' attributes]. However, current implementations (e.g. Opera 9.23) seem to treat the 'width' and 'height' attributes as [ presentation attributes] and map them into style (i.e. [ translate them directly to CSS 'width' and 'height' properties]). As it turns out, there are problems with both these approaches, and unfortunately the new text specifying SVG as a replaced element creates some horrible authoring gotchas (as currently worded).
goes against the letter of the specification, but actually honors the intent of that letter.
Currently there are two primary candidate approaches to sizing SVG content; (1) map the 'width' and 'height' attributes into style; (2) treat root 'svg' elements as "replaced elements" in CSS terms. The former approach would have the advantage of being the most intuitive for authors. The latter approach solves the problem of the 'display' property (i.e. [ what you do with |display:inline;| on SVG]), and unless the user sets only one of the CSS properties 'width' and 'height' on the SVG while also having 'width' and 'height' attributes, they won't notice a difference to the former approach (well, as long as percentage attribute values are intrinsic).
<h2>Common ground</h2>
Confirm, emeritus

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