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1,646 bytes added, 19:17, 4 June 2013
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This page is not comprehensive. Right now, think of it as a place where we put answers to questions that are asked when they are asked. If you know the answer to a question, or think you know, please just update this page! Just put who is answering the question and when they are answering it in parens. If you know there is a bug filed on implementing something, or even a WONTFIX bug, please update the page! Thanks!
=== Sending Attachments ===
* Maximum file size
** The maximum file size of sent attachments is 5 megabytes on v1.1 and master. This is done because we are likely to crash if we try and send larger files. {{bug|871897}} is about us switching to streaming for sending which would allow us to remove our send-side limitations. Receiving servers may still enforce a size limit. v1.0.1 has no size limit, but is likely to crash if files larger than 5 megabytes are sent.
* Attachment types supported
** We only support sharing images right now, but that's an artificial limit in our manifest.webapp that can and should be removed.
=== Received Attachments ===
* Attachment types supported.
** note: in v1.0.1, we hard-code the supported type to be image/*, but in v1.1 onwards we let [ mime_mapper.js] decide what we are allowed to download. That is the file to change, but keep in mind that letting us download a file type does not mean we are able to open the file correctly.
** Images (image/*): '''YES''', v1.0.1 onwards
** Audio files (audio/*): '''YES''', v1.1 onwards.
** Video fiels (video/*): '''YES''', v1.1 onwards
** PDF files, other file tytpes: '''NO'''
=== Sent Mail Metadata ===
* [ Mail priority]
** '''NO''' In the internet at large, this has primarily only been used by spammers, although it has been known to be used within an organization.
* Return Receipt / Delivery Status Notification
** '''NO'''.
=== Received Mail Metadata ===
* Return Receipt / Delivery Status Notification
** '''NO'''.
=== ActiveSync ===

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