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559 bytes added, 20:28, 2 July 2013
In brief, there's a central database into which unrelated systems push data describing contributions. This data can be queried very broadly (eg. show me contributions by a certain user; show me contributions made during a certain period; show me a certain type of contribution), as well as with very deeply (eg. show me Bugzilla triage contributions for the Firefox product). All data stored has a small amount of commonality, describing where it came from, who contributed, when they did it, and how to find the original contribution. Further information available varies per type of contribution, so Blackhole users can query specifically for it if they're interested.
In depth, the push infrastructure is built on [ pulse]. A system accepting user contributions sends a pulse message when a contribution is made, with as much detail as is required to give the contribution context. A Blackhole pulse consumer observes the message, and stores the contribution data in the database with very little processing. A frontend for the database allows complex queries to be executed via a RESTful web interface, allowing consumers to build tools that integrate with Blackhole by performing on-demand lookups.
== Roadmap ==

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