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Auto-tools/Projects/B2G Automation

47 bytes added, 22:11, 12 July 2013
Milestone 5 - 2 weeks (June 24 - July 5)
== Milestone 5 - 2 weeks (June 24 - July 5) ==
* [wlach] {{drop|Add}} JS client Pt 1: Get a simple JS Marionette test working locally with the JS Marionette client and the Python testrunner
* (ongoing) [mdas] {{ok|Resolve }} blocking issues with tap* [mdas] {{defer|Resolve }} blocking scroll issues- blocked on is_displayed fix
* (ongoing) [mdas] {{done|Add}} some mechanisms to make debugging touch related problems easier
* [jgriffin] {{ok|Disable}} gaia-unit-tests that are still failing on cedar

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