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1,865 bytes added, 12:42, 18 July 2013
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#{{bug|805586}} - [keyboard] keyboard needs a 'hide keyboard' button(main tracking bug)
#{{bug|844716}} - Enable keyboard Apps to get/set selection range of the input field
#{{bug|860546}} - [keyboard] JS changes to a textfield while keyboard is displayed do not get passed to keyboard
#{{bug|861665}} - Allow IME to get notification when text field content is changed
#{{bug|861515}} - Keyboard should be able to modify the text of the input field directly
// Input Method Manager contain a few global methods expose to apps
readonly attribute InputMethodManager mgmt;
// Fired when the input context changes, include changes from and to null.
// The new InputContext instance will be available in the event object under |inputcontext| property.
// Note that if the app saves the original context, it might get void; implementation decides when to void the input context.
attribute EventHandler oninputcontextchange;
// An "input context" is mapped to a text field that the app is allow to mutate.
// this attribute should be null when there is no text field currently focused.
// OS should ignore this request if the app is currently not the active one.
void showAll();
// Ask the OS to switch away from the current active Keyboard app.
// OS should ignore this request if the app is currently not the active one.
void next();
// Clear the focus of the current input field.
// The OS might respond with hidden of the virtual keyboard and void the input context.
// [JJ] What is removeFocus doing here. Everything that interacts with form elements
// happens in the inputContext, so this should be there too.
void removeFocus();
// An "input context" gets void when the app is no longer allowed to interact with the text field,
// e.g., the text field does no longer exist, the app is being switched to background, and etc.
// [JJ] I doubt whether we should have 'name', 'type', etc. here. In the manifest we should
// have entry points where the keyboard specifies which view to load when going into a
// certain context. Requiring to do this manually will give extra work.
// The system should guarantee that the right view is rendered based on entry_points in
// in manifest (e.g. navigate keyboard to #text/en, or something, based on manifest.
interface InputContext {
// The tag name of input field, which is enum of "input", "textarea", or "contenteditable"
DOMString name;
// The type of the input field, which is enum of text, number, password, url, search, email, and so on.
// See
DOMString type;
* The inputmode string, representing the input mode.
DOMString inputmode;
* The primary language for the input field.
DOMString lang;
* Get the whole text content of the input field.
* App is encouraged to use getSurroundingText() below to prevent getting to much things clogged in memory.
* [JJ] Do we have any case where loading the full text is required?
* I don't see it in the example code.
Promise<DOMString> getText();
// The start and stop position of the selection.
readonly attribute long selectionStart;
readonly attribute long selectionEnd;
* Set the selection range of the the editable text.
* Note that the start position should be less or equal to the end position.
* To move the cursor, set the start and end position to the same value.
* [JJ] I think that this method should return the same info as the selectionchange event
* rather than a boolean.
Promise<boolean> setSelectionRange(long start, long length);
// * User moves the cursor, changes the selection, or alters the composing text length // * TODO: dup with the onsurroundingtextchange event/callback below for cursor moment? * * [JJ] I would merge this with onsurroundingtextchange to have 1 state event. * in the end, every onselectionchange event will also generate a surrounding * text change event.
attribute EventHandler onselectionchange;
* Get the text content around the cursor of the input field.
* App is encouraged to use this instead of getText() above to prevent getting to much things clogged in memory.
* TODO: how to return two values in one Promise object? as two arguments to the callback?
* [JJ] Would be useful to also include other state info (cursor position, selection pos, etc.)
* So we have 1 state object that gets returned regardless of operation
* (same one as in the change handlers and setSelectionRange)
Promise<DOMString beforeText, DOMString afterText> getSurroundingText();
* @param length The length of text to delete.
* TODO: maybe updateSurroundingText(DOMString beforeText, DOMString afterText); ?
* [JJ] Rather do a replaceSurroundingText(long offset, long length, optional DOMString text)
* If text is null or empty, it behaves the same
Promise<boolean> deleteSurroundingText(long offset, long length);
* This event is sent when the text around the cursor is changed, due to either text
* editing or cursor movement.
* The event handler function is specified as:
attribute SurroundingTextChangeEventHandler onsurroundingtextchange;
* send a character with its key events.
* TODO2: what are the modifiers?
* Alternative: sendKey(KeyboardEvent event), but we will likely waste memory for creating the KeyboardEvent object.
* [JJ] Why does this return anything? */
Promise<boolean> sendKey(long keyCode, long charCode, long modifiers);
* Set current composition. It will start or update composition.
* @param cursor Position in the text of the cursor.
* [JJ] Dont really know about this, but what if endComposition is never called
* maybe because unhandled exception?
Promise<boolean> setComposition(DOMString text, long cursor);
* endComposition and actually commit the text.
If the field is a numeric field, it will fill "1337".
var timer;
function startTyping(inputContext) {
timer = setInterval(function typing() {
/* [JJ] So I think that this code shouldn't be here, because you'll get lots of clutter
* as you'll also have to take languages into account.
* Rather rely on entry points in manifest...
if (inputContext.inputmode === 'numeric' || inputContext.type === 'number') {
['1', '3', '3', '7'].forEach(function (k) {
}, 1000);
function stopTyping() {
var im = navigator.inputMethod;
im.addEventListener('inputcontextchange', function contextchanged(evt) {
if (evt.inputcontext) {
if (im.inputcontext) {
// The webpage here is loaded *after* the user has place the focus on the text field,

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