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367 bytes removed, 14:16, 31 July 2013
Negotiating with the Web site for fixing a Web compatibility issue: tweaking the section on contacting and linking to the letters template
There is '''no perfect email ''' for contacting Web site, but if you think that you are not necessary contacting the right person it helps a lot writing a shorter email. We created [[Compatibility/StdLetters|some templates in different languages]]. There are very simple, straight to the point and asking for a better contact information. It is '''just an example'''. Some countries require more formalism, etc. Adjust depending on the local culture in your own language.
  Hi, I'm reporting an issue about your Web site not working properly with Firefox (Mozilla). Could you put me in contact with the right person in the Communications/Marketing team and/or Technical team in charge of your Web site. The issue is described in details on the Mozilla bug tracker.<issue_number> Thanks a lot for any help. Best regards You see very simple, straight to the point and asking for a better contact. It is just an example. Some languages require more formalism, etc. Adjust depending on the local culture in your own language. On twitter, it could be straightforward such as. For example
@example Hi, would you know who I should contact

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