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234 bytes removed, 01:52, 5 September 2013
IME App Manifest Example
** The allowed value in "types" field is a subset of [ type attribute of input element]: text, search, tel, number, url, email. Other types will be ignored by FxOS Gaia in the initial version because at this point UI for <select> and <input type=date> (called "value selectors") are not open for 3rd-party implementation.
=== IME App Manifest Example ===  1 { 2 "name": "MyKeyboard3rd-party Keyboard", 3 "description": "A 3rd Party -party Keyboard", 4 "type": "certified", "role": "keyboard", 5 "launch_path": "/settings.html", 6 "developer": { "name": "developer's name", "url": "" }, "permissions": { 7 "settings": { "access": "readwrite" }, "keyboard": {} 8 }, 9 "entry_points": { 10 "Englishen": { 11 "launch_path": "/index.html#en", 12 "name": "English", "description": "English layout", 13 "types": ["url", "numbertext"], "locales": { "aren-US":{ "entry_pointsname": {"English", "description": "Englishlayout" }, "zh-TW":{ "name":"الإنجليزية英文", "description": "Gaia هاتف英文鍵盤" } } }, "en-USDvorak":{ "entry_pointslaunch_path": {"/index.html#en-Dvorak", "name": "English(Dvorak)", "description": "Dvorak layout", "types": ["url", "text"] }, "es":{ "launch_path": "/index.html#es", "name": "EnglishSpanish", "description": "English Spanish layout", "types": ["url", "text"] }, "pt-BR": { } "launch_path": "/index.html#pt-BR", "name": "Portuguese Brazilian", } "description": "Portuguese Brazilian layout", "frtypes":{["url", "text"] }, "entry_pointspl": { "Englishlaunch_path":{"/index.html#pl", "name": "AnglaisPolish", "description": "Anglais Polish layout", "types": ["url", "text"] }, "ca": { } "launch_path": "/index.html#ca", } "name": "Catalan", } "description": "Catalan layout", "default_localetypes": ["url", "en-UStext"] 14 }, 15 "English (Dvorak)cz": { 16 "launch_path": "/index.html#en-Dvorakcz", "name": "Czech", 17 "description": "Dvorak Czech layout", 18 "types": ["url", "text"] }, "fr": { "launch_path"url: "/index.html#fr", "name"number: "French"], "localesdescription": {"French layout", "artypes":{["url", "text"] }, "entry_pointsde": { "Englishlaunch_path":{"/index.html#de", "name":"الإنجليزيةGerman", "description": "Gaia هاتفGerman layout", } } "types": ["url", "text"] }, "en-USnb":{ "entry_pointslaunch_path": { "English/index.html#nb":{, "name": "EnglishNorwegian Bokmal", "description": "English Norwegian Bokmal layout", } } "types": ["url", "text"] }, "frsk":{ "entry_pointslaunch_path": { "English/index.html#sk":{, "name": "AnglaisSlovak", "description": "Anglais Slovak layout", "types": ["url", "text"] }, "tr-Q": { } "launch_path": "/index.html#tr-Q", } "name": "Turkish Q", } "description": "Turkish Q layout", "default_localetypes": ["url", "en-UStext"] 19 }, 20 "Spanishtr-F": { 21 "launch_path": "/index.html#estr-F", "name": "Turkish F", 22 "description": "Spanish Turkish F layout", 23 "types": ["texturl", "numbertext"] }, "localesro": { "launch_path": "/index.html#ro", "name": "Romanian", "description": "Romanian layout", "artypes":{["url", "text"] }, "entry_pointsru": { "Spanishlaunch_path":{"/index.html#ru", "name":"الإنجليزيةRussian", "description": "Gaia هاتفRussian layout", } } "types": ["url", "text"] }, "ensr-USCyrl":{ "entry_pointslaunch_path": { "Spanish/index.html#sr-Cyrl":{, "name": "EnglishSerbian (Cyrillic)", "description": "English Serbian (Cyrillic) layout", } "types": ["url", "text"] } }, "frsr-Latn":{ "entry_pointslaunch_path": { "Spanish/index.html#sr-Latn":{, "name": "AnglaisSerbian (Latin)", "description": "Anglais Serbian (Latin) layout", "types": ["url", "text"] }, "ar": { } "launch_path": "/index.html#ar", } "name": "Arabic", } "description": "Arabic layout", "default_localetypes": ["url", "en-UStext"] 24 }, 25 "numberhe": { 26 "launch_path": "/index.html#numberLayouthe", "name": "Hebrew", 27 "description": "Number Hebrew layout", 28 "types": ["numberurl", "text"] }, "localeshu": { "launch_path": "/index.html#hu", "name": "Hungarian", "description": "Hungarian layout", "artypes":{["url", "text"] }, "entry_pointsel": { "numberlaunch_path":{"/index.html#el", "name":"الإنجليزيةGreek", "description": "Gaia هاتفGreek layout", } } "types": ["url", "text"] }, "enzh-Hans-USPinyin":{ "entry_pointslaunch_path": "/index.html#zh-Hans-Pinyin", "name": "Pinyin", "description": "Pinyin", "types": {["url", "text"] }, "number":{ "launch_path": "/index.html#numberLayout", "name": "EnglishNumber", "description": "English Number layout", } "types": ["number"] } }, "frlocales":{ "entry_pointsen-US": { "name"number: "3rd-party Keyboard", "description": "3rd-party Keyboard" }, "zh-TW":{ "name": "Anglais第三方鍵盤", "description": "Anglais layout第三方鍵盤" } } } }, "default_locale": "en-US" 29 } 30 } 31 }
=== Layout Matching Algorithm ===

Navigation menu