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596 bytes added, 14:46, 13 September 2013
whiteboard keywords for categorizing the issues
We are using a set of keywords in the whiteboard field to help us figuring out priorities, languages, etc.
* '''[contactready]''': Once the Web site has been analyzed for Web compatibility issues. Someone can take the bug and contact the Web site for achieving a resolution. [[contactready]&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Mobile&product=Tech%20Evangelism List of Web sites to contact]
* '''[sitewait]''': Once the Web site has been contacted for Web compatibility issues. This helps to not have two separate persons contacting the same Web site. Leave also a comment with the date when you contacted the site. [[sitewait]&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Mobile&product=Tech%20Evangelism list of contacted Web sites]
* '''[country-ISOCODE]''': Some websites are dedicated to a specific country. For example, a French Web site can be classified as [country-fr], a japanese Web site as [country-jp], for international Web sites you can use [country-all]
* '''[uaoverride]''': When the current bug is about the UA override list added on to [[Fennec|Firefox for Android]] or [[Gaia|Firefox OS]]
* '''[country-ISOCODE]''': Some websites are dedicated to a specific country. For example, a French Web site can be classified as [country-fr], a japanese Web site as [country-jp], for international Web sites you can use [country-all]
* '''[sitewait]''': Once the Web site has been contacted for Web compatibility issues. This helps to not have two separate persons contacting the same Web site. Leave also a comment with the date when you contacted the site. [ list of contacted Web sites]
* '''[clientsniff]''': When the sniffing is happening on the client-side such as HTML or JS
* '''[serversniff]''': When the sniffing is happening on the server-side such as HTTP redirection and/or different content being served on the same domain

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