** Displays the connectivity status in the main panel.
* ./js/date_time.js
** Date and Time settings.
* ./js/factory_reset.js
** Appears to be fore resetting to factory settings; mozPower.factoryReset.
* ./js/hiddenapps.js
** Defines an array of "hidden apps" which include keyboard, wallpaper, bluetooth, and pdfjs
* ./js/hotspot.js
** Hotspot/Tethering settings/information.
* ./js/icc.js
** Handling of ICC commands. Relates to SDK for managing SIM card stuff.
* ./js/icc_menu.js
** "Showing STK main menu"
* ./js/media_storage.js
** The whole purpose of this code is to detect when we're in the state of having the UMS Enabled checkbox unchecked, but the SD-card is still being shared with the PC. In this case, the user has to unplug the USB cable in order to actually turn off UMS, and we put some text to that effect on the settings screen.
* ./js/onpair.js
* ./js/phone_lock.js