* "desktop-notification":{} - Display a notification on the user's desktop
** No calls to createNotification() or creation of new Notification objects. This permission may be extraneous.
* "device-storage:pictures":{ "access": "readonly" } - Add, read, or modify picture files stored on the device.
** No calls to getDeviceStorage('pictures'). Appears this permissions is extraneous.
* "device-storage:music":{ "access": "readonly" } - Add, read, or modify music files stored on the device.
** No calls to getDeviceStorage('music'). Appears this permissions is extraneous.
* "device-storage:videos":{ "access": "readonly" } - Add, read, or modify video files stored on the device.
** No calls to getDeviceStorage('videos'). Appears this permissions is extraneous.
* "device-storage:sdcard":{ "access": "readonly" } - Add, read, or modify files stored on the device's SD card.
=== Actions & Recommendations ===