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Software Update:MAR

804 bytes added, 23:16, 2 June 2005
Mozilla ARchive
= Mozilla ARchive =

This document describes the Mozilla ARchive (MAR) format used by the update system to deliver update packages. It is basically a series of files with an index tacked on to the end.

== Details ==

The file structure in a nut-shell is a header (HEADER), followed by a list of variable length files, and finally ending with an index of the files (INDEX). The index is a list of variable length entries (INDEX_ENTRY).

4 bytes : "MAR1"
4 bytes : offset-to-index (big endian)

4 bytes : size-of-index (big endian)

4 bytes : offset (big endian)
4 bytes : length (big endian)
N bytes : name (byte array)
1 byte : null terminator

== Why not use ZIP or some other standard file format? ==

There is no single overriding reason for this decision.

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