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Accessibility/JSON ARIA

3 bytes removed, 17:40, 9 November 2007
Definining the widget
"nameOkFromContents": true, <!-- can the accessible name be computed from the content subtree (e.g. no for a container like a tree, usually yes for a focusable widget) -->
"livePropertiesactiveProperties" : [ <!-- AT should notify user of changes if it is in a live region the object has focus, --> <!-- or has on an object controlled by the focus (aria-controls) or --> <!-- prop attribute name, data type if the change occurs inside an ARIA live region (aria-live) -->
[ "away", "boolean" ],
"activeProperties": [ <!-- AT should notify user of changes if the object has focus-->
<!-- prop attribute name, data type -->
[ "activity", "string", "What is this user doing?" ],

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