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251 bytes added, 19:43, 12 November 2007
* [[DeHydra]] is a scriptable static analysis tool. It is useful for finding patterns in the codebase. It has been used to find bugs, produce class diagrams and to infer auto-refactoring candidates in the code.
* [[Outparamdel]] rewrites code using outparameters to utilize the return value instead.[ Blog entry]
* [[Prcheck]] is a static analysis tool which produces patches as output. It is useful for correcting bugs that resulting PRBool behaving more like an int than a C++ bool.[ Blog entry]
* [[Garburator]] rewrites nsCOMPtrs allocated on the stack into stack variables to assist the [[XPCOMGC]] project.[ Blog entry]
* [[Squash]] is now obsolete. It was primarily written to explore how elsa can be utilized to assist with [[Gecko:DeCOMtamination]]. Many rewriting strategies and patching code were first implemented in squash.

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