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Auto-tools/Projects/B2G Automation

1,273 bytes added, 20:17, 31 October 2013
Oct 24 - Nov 7
== Oct 24 - Nov 7 ==
* get gaia-integration tests in TBPL (depends on rel-eng)
** waiting on rel-eng to install npm/node 0.10 on test slaves - {{bug|931875}}; dustin owns this
* get green set of debug emulator mochitests running everywhere
** in progress on cedar; see; devs working on greening up problems also on
[mdas]* (carry over) [mdas] (time consuming) write up and add some marionette/gaiatest endurance unit tests to catch space consumption/performance regressions {{Bug|931044}} and {{Bug|931045}}* [mdas] (done? waiting on merge into m-c, and to mozilla-b2g26) Stop making marionette.log when unnecessary {{Bug|918408}}* [mdas] (would like to drop for later) add tests for modal dialog {{Bug|906175}} [ahal]* (carry over) [ahal] get mochitests on b2g desktop builds rolled out everywhere* [ahal] * blocked by bug 924681* address B2G crash reporting problems* * mostly done (carry overI think)  [wlach] {{* (done|-- already transcribed to wiki) (carry over) document}} Eideticker in such a way that it's easy for partners and people new to the project to set it up from scratch - {{bug|933324}}* [wlach] Get the B2G Eideticker dashboard running** running and uploading data to dave's people account (, but we need to configure to upload/send to, which is waiting on moving the setup to the london office** also need to file some follow-up bugs on test reproducibility (e.g. for contact loading we don't last long enough to display all pictures)* (carry over) [wlach] do some fps comparisons with 120fps camera [rwood]* (carry over) [rwood] Get a full set of AWSY emulator test driver running locally* [rwood] * done except now blocked by Bug 931198 about_memory fails with > 30 memory files* Assist the Taipei team with MTBF tests* [rwood] * Leaving tomorrow eve* Deliver a set of memory test reports to the AWSY maintainer* Get AWSY prodution VMs setup (1 master, others as nodes)* Get gaia-ui endurance tests running on hamachi b2g26/1.2** Up and running but now need to cherry-pick endurance test changes that arent in b2g26* Fix/investigate gaia-ui endurance test failures
== Future milestones ==

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