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402 bytes added, 17:42, 12 December 2007
* Possibility of full screen mode
* Find box
* Use webpage (favicon) icon instead of prism icon
* Navigation with Alt + mouse scroll wheel is working, even if navigation is disabled in webapp.ini. Maybe it should be like in firefox Shift + mouse scroll wheel when navigation is enabled.
* Navigation with mouse gestures. A left-click, hold and move cursor to the left would signify a Back page request on a left-click, hold and move cursor to the right would be forward. Others such as to the top left corner to signify minimize window. This would enable the use of touch-screen kiosks without keyboard or mouse attached.
* Support for increasing and decreasing text size (ctrl++ and ctrl--)
* Menu option - 'Preferences'
* Option to load "sidebar services", what I mean by this is the option to load services which are meant to load in sidebar (google Chat and google Notebook have specific webpages for the sidebar for example) and which will load in prism as a fixed size window on the left of the screen (and best would be that maximized windows will stay right of it)
* Configuration option to sandbox a webapp so it doesn't share cookies with other webapps in the same Prism. This could allow multiple Google apps to be open with different accounts ( Gmail; for Reader; for Hosted Gmail).
* Detection of window close ( user clicks the X button ) with JavaScript. Existing ways to detect browser closure are not reliable and in the context of an app it is essential. Detection of window minimize/restore might be useful as well ( like in a real desktop app... )

Navigation menu