parec -r -d <recording device> --format=s16le -c 1 -r 16000 \ | sox -t raw -r 16000 -sLb 16 -c 1 - <output audio file> \ trim 0 <record-duration>
The recording is timed to match the length of the input audio file using SOX's trimming effects.This enables the recorderprocess to complete on the SOX trim timeout expiry determined by the <record-duration>
#Finally PESQ is used to compute the quality scores between the input audio file (original) and the output audio file (recorded) <br> <br>
#Discuss the results generated and DataZilla, GraphServer integration
#Allow configuration options to specify sample rates, number of channels and encoding.
==Video Performance Analysis Framework ==
Not yet Supported
== Open Issues ==
=== Talos Integration ===
While dealing