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5,997 bytes added, 22:35, 10 January 2008
New page: This is the general release checklist we should use for maintenance releases. We use this checklist to make sure we don't miss any community, development, QA, Build, Product team, or partn...
This is the general release checklist we should use for maintenance releases. We use this checklist to make sure we don't miss any community, development, QA, Build, Product team, or partner deliverables as we release new versions.

It is organized by major functional activity in roughly chronological order. At the end of each bullet is the owner of the checklist item from within the Release Team.

This serves as a checklist to make sure we don't miss any community, development, QA, Build, Product team, or partner deliverables as we release this version.

It is organized by major functional activity in roughly chronological order. At the end of each bullet is the owner of the checklist item from within the Release Team.

== Team ==
* <font color="blue">Project lead: </font>
* <font color="red">Security/Dev lead: </font>
* <font color="green">Build lead: </font>
* <font color="orange">QA lead: </font>

== Checklist ==
* Meet and schedule release - <strong>Entire team</strong>
** Email dev-planning and release-drivers to announce meeting (2 days in advance) - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Have meeting - <font color="blue">Led by Project lead</font>

* Decision to release - <strong>Entire team</strong>
** Update [[Releases]] page - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Update Releases/PRODUCT&VERSION with proposed schedule - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Email dev-planning and release-drivers with proposed schedule - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>

* Triage of blocking/approval requests as needed - <strong>Entire team (minus build)</strong>
** Schedule meetings - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Alert developers of upcoming freeze - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>

* Development code freeze - <font color="red">Dev lead</font>
** Email build@ & Project lead when all code is in - <font color="red">Dev lead</font>

* Builds created - <font color="green">Build lead</font>
** Email release-drivers when builds are created - <font color="green">Build lead</font>
** Email betatesters when builds are created - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>

* Initial verification - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** Complete Bug Verification Target - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** BFT on one platform - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
* Complete Regression Testing - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** Examples: All BFTs/FFTs, JS regression test, Security regression test, top sites, top extensions, etc. See Test Plan for details.

^ I'm to here with updating

* En-US Release Candidates
** Release Prep - Build
** en-US Install/start page/Version ID/Update test - QA Lead

* RC Release
** Announce to community:
** Watch blogs and news groups

* L10n
** Owner signoff as needed
** Trademark review as needed
** L10n Build - Build
*** Capture the chosen nightly into the candidates directory
*** Package up the locales
** Run Automated [[MozillaQualityAssurance:MetaDiff|MetaDiff]] test - Build
** L10N locale spot checks - QA Lead
** Testing by people with language skills
** Update the shipped-locales file with the final locales and platforms - Project Lead
** Update the [[L10n:Firefox_1.5_Releases|public wiki listing the shipped locales]]

* Announce to partners/distributer - basil
** Symantec
** McAfee
** Need at least a week notice

* Announce to security group - dveditz
** to security and security-announce aliases
** 1-2 weeks out

* Software Updates
** build software update mar files - Build
** setup Bouncer and AUS2 links - Build
** Run automated [[MozillaQualityAssurance:Update_Checker|Update Checker]] - Build
** Spot check combination of update paths, locales, and platforms - QA Lead

* Notify Affiliates
** Mozilla Europe
*** Tristan Nitot - nitot -at-
*** Peter Van der Beken - peterv -at-
*** Pascal Chevrel - pascal.chevrel -at-
** Mozilla Japan
*** Gen Kanai - gen -at-
*** dynamis -at-

* Vulnerability Notice - dveditz
** Draft to Security Group/Security-anncounce
** Advisories posted on release
** NEW: notify CERT (?)

* Other PR as needed - Product
** Web site updates

* Release Notes
** Inputs to cbeard/basil - Dev/QA/Product
** First Draft complete -
** Review - Dev/QA/Product
** Final release notes -

* Final staging
** Stage bits - Build
*** Tue (UK time): cf to stage files in private area of ftp server, and transfer for signing
*** Tue (MV time): preed/rhelmer to sign builds, juanb to email cf with go/no go on publishing builds
*** Wed (UK time): cf to check signing log, gather installers, final check, push live by 0400 PDT (1200 BST), configure bouncer
*** Wed (MV time): preed/rhelmer run releasetest verification (bouncer check), push updates when ready (~4pm)
** '''Let IT know about release date 24-48 hrs ahead of time.''' - Project Lead
*** Releases should NOT be scheduled in the morning.
** Version ID/Update path test - QA Lead
** Make update paths/install bits live - Build
*** Coordinate with IT to make sure current versions are pushed to the ''mozilla-current'' rsync module
** Run automated [[MozillaQualityAssurance:Download_Checker|download checker]] - QA
** Test live update/install bits - QA Lead
** Dashboard stats tracking configuration/setup (oremj/webteam)
** Post note to these places to annouce the release;
*** all -at- (so all staff knows)
*** drivers -at- (so drivers outside Mozilla Corp know)
*** newsgroup
*** mozilla.annouce newsgroup (all product release announcements are expected here)
** Post the [ Press Release]

* Special CJK builds for Yahoo and Google
** These are builds with yahoo specific search codes
** The are due within 2 weeks of the main product release
** Generate builds - Build
** Test the builds - QA
** Release the builds to the respective venders - Build

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