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Browser Metrics:Data Collectors

966 bytes added, 18:29, 27 February 2008
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; Element <tt>&lt;profile&gt;</tt>
: ''Attributes:''
:; <tt>session = [integer]</tt>
:: Gives the current session count, incremented everytime the browser loads
:; <tt>time = [integer]</tt>
:: Gives the unixtime when the profile was captured
The following elements are optional children of <tt>&lt;profile&gt;</tt>:
; Element <tt>&lt;bookmarks&gt;</tt>
: A container element for 1 or more <tt>bookmarklocation</tt> elements.
: ''Attributes:'' none
The following elements are optional children of ; Element <tt>&lt;profilebookmarklocation&gt;</tt>: Contains information about the location of bookmarks: ''Attributes:'':; <tt>foldercount = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the number of bookmark folders:; <tt>itemcount = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the total number of bookmark items:; <tt>livemarkcount = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the total number of livemarks:; <tt>separatorcount = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the total number of separators :; <tt>name = [string]</tt>:: Gives the name of the set of bookmarks (full-tree, root, toolbar)
; Element <tt>&lt;cpu&gt;</tt>
:: Gives the CPU architecture (x86, powerpc, etc).
; Element <tt>&lt;memorydisplay&gt;</tt>: Describes the memory configuration of the client systemuser's display.
: ''Attributes:''
:; <tt>mb xsize = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the number of megabytes pixels horizontally on the primary screen.:; <tt>ysize = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the number of pixels vertically on the primary screen.:; <tt>screens = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the number of screens on the system memory; Element <tt>&lt;extensions&gt;</tt>: A container element for 1 or more <tt>extension</tt> elements.: ''Attributes:'' none
; Element <tt>&lt;osextension&gt;</tt>: Describes the operating system the client is runningContains information about a single extension.
: ''Attributes:''
:; <tt>name extensionid = [string]</tt>:: Gives the name an MD5 hash of the operating system, e.g. "Windows" or "MacOSX"extension's id.
:; <tt>version = [string]</tt>
:: Gives the extension's version of the operating system, e.g. "XP" or "Tiger"number.
; Element <tt>&lt;install&gt;</tt>
: Describes the installation of Firefox the user is running.
: ''Attributes:''
:; <tt>appversion = [string]</tt>
:: Gives the current application version (e.g. 3.0b4)
:; <tt>buildid = [integer]</tt>
:: Gives the Build ID (e.g. 20060327).
:; <tt>default = [boolean]</tt>
:: Whether the browser is set as the default browser for the current user.
:; <tt>extversion = [string]</tt>
:: Gives the current spectator extension version (e.g. 2.1a9)
:; <tt>installdate = [integer]</tt>
:: Gives the date the build was first run on this profile (seconds since the epoch).
:; <tt>default locale = [booleanstring]</tt>:: Whether Gives the browser is set as the default browser for the current userlocale (e.g.en-US, de, etc)
; Element <tt>&lt;extensionsmemory&gt;</tt>: A container element for 1 or more Describes the memory configuration of the client system.: ''Attributes:'':; <tt>extensionmb = [integer]</tt> elements.: ''Attributes:'' noneGives the number of megabytes of system memory.
; Element <tt>&lt;extensionos&gt;</tt>: Contains information about a single extensionDescribes the operating system the client is running.
: ''Attributes:''
:; <tt>extensionid name = [string]</tt>:: Gives an MD5 hash the name of the extension's idoperating system, e.g. "Windows" or "MacOSX".
:; <tt>version = [string]</tt>
:: Gives the extension's version numberof the operating system, e.g. "XP" or "Tiger".
; Element <tt>&lt;plugins&gt;</tt>
:: Gives the version of the plugin.
===Load Event=== Load events record a document being loaded into a DOM Window. ; Element <tt>&lt;displaydocument&gt;</tt>: Describes the user's display.
: ''Attributes:''
:; <tt>xsize = [integer]</tt>
:: Gives the number of pixels horizontally on the primary screen.
:; <tt>ysize = [integer]</tt>
:: Gives the number of pixels vertically on the primary screen.
:; <tt>screens = [integer]</tt>
:: Gives the number of screens on the system.
:; Element <tt>&lt;config&gt;action = [string]</tt>: Gives the configuration that was used for this log, in : Records if the same format as sent by the server.: See [[Browser Metrics:Data Collection Service#Server Response]] for a description of this element.document is being loaded or destroyed
TBD: talkback GUID; <tt>window = [integer]</tt>:: The id of the window where the document was loaded.
:; <tt>bfCacheHit ===Window Event===[boolean]</tt> (optional):: Whether the document presentation was loaded from the session history cache. If not specified, assumed to be false.
Window events log various actions pertaining to DOM Windows, which provide a context for load events.:; <tt>docid = [integer]</tt>:: The id of the document that was loaded
; Element <tt>&lt;window&gt;</tt>: ''Attributes:'':; <tt>action = [string]</tt>:: Indicates the action that happened for this window. Possible values are:::* <tt>create</tt>: a new toplevel or child DOM Window was created::* <tt>open</tt>: a toplevel DOM Window was opened::* <tt>close</tt>: a toplevel DOM Window was closed::* <tt>destroy</tt>: a toplevel or child DOM Window was destroyed:; <tt>windowid loadtime = [integer]</tt>:: The id of the affected window. Ids are assigned starting time from 0 and are never reused during that session. The window id is not unique across sessions.:; <tt>parent = [integer]</tt> (optional):: For create events, the id initiation of the parent of load until the newly created window. Toplevel windows do not have a parentdocument is complete (which includes all images, so this attribute will not be set.:; <tt>chrome = [boolean]</tt> (optional):: For create eventsstylesheet, whether the new window has chrome privileges. Defaults to false.:; <tt>opener = [integer window id]</tt> (optionaletc):: For open events, the id of the opener DOM window. Windows opened from native code may not have an opener, and this attribute will not be setin milliseconds.
:; <tt>memresident ===Load Event===[integer]</tt>:: The resident memory after the page has loaded
Load events record a document being :; <tt>memtotal = [integer]</tt>:: The total memory usage after the page has loaded into a DOM Window.
; Element <tt>&lt;load&gt;</tt>
: ''Attributes:''
:; <tt>window = [integer]</tt>
:: The id of the window where the document was loaded.
:; <tt>origin = [string]</tt> (optional)
:: The action which initiated the load. Possible values include:
::* <tt>session-history</tt>: The user used back/forward navigation to load the document.
::* <tt>reload</tt>: The user used the reload button or keyboard shortcut to reload the document.
::* <tt>global-history(not implemented)</tt>: The user loaded the page by selecting it from their global history.::* <tt>bookmark(not implemented)</tt>: The user loaded the page by selecting it from the bookmarks menu, bookmarks toolbar, or bookmarks management UI.::* <tt>script(not implemented)</tt>: A script executing on a page loaded the document.
::* <tt>refresh</tt>: A meta-refresh loaded the document.
::* <tt>external(not implemented)</tt>: The document URI was passed in from an external application. :; <tt>loadtime session = [integer]</tt>:: The time from Gives the initiation of current session count, incremented everytime the load until the document is complete (which includes all images, stylesheet, etc) in milliseconds.browser loads :; <tt>bfCacheHit subframe = [booleaninteger]</tt> (optional):: Whether the document presentation was loaded from the session history cachea subframe. If not specified, assumed to be false. :; <tt>time = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the unixtime when the document load was captured
Todo :; <tt>urlhash = [string]</ possible todo itemstt>::* cache size before/after Gives the md5 hash of chrome document load* content viewer size estimate* cache hit* session history index* last visit date* tagged/bookmarkedURLs
===UI Event===
* Records UI events ; Element <tt>&lt;uielement&gt;</tt>: ''Attributes:'':; <tt>action = [clickstring]</tt>:: Records what caused the event (command, popupshowing)  :; <tt>keyidhash = [string]</tt>:: Records the md5 hash of the keycombo that caused the event (goBackKb, dragetc) :; <tt>session = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the current session count, drop...incremented everytime the browser loads :; <tt>targetanonidhash = [string]</tt>* :: Gives the md5 hash of the anonymous target id that caused the event  :; <tt>targetidhash = [some kind string]</tt>:: Gives the md5 hash of ID, possibly XUL namethe target id that caused the event  :; <tt>time = [integer]</tt>:: Gives the unixtime when the event was captured :; <tt>window = [integer]</tt>:: The id of the window where the document was loaded. == Other Ideas ==
===Garbage Collection===

Navigation menu