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278 bytes added, 14:07, 26 March 2008
Work in progress: Add new "problematic practices" page
* [[CA:Recommended_Practices|Recommended practices for CAs]] wishing to have their root CA certificates included in Mozilla products
* [[CA:Problematic_Practices|Problematic CA practices]]. This discusses CA practices that are not explicitly forbidden by the Mozilla CA policy, but that various people have expressed concerns about. These practices may be addressed in future versions of the Mozilla CA policy.
* [[CA:EV_Revocation_Checking|EV certificates and revocation checking]]. This discusses how revocation checking via OCSP or CRLs affects the UI treatment of EV certificates.
* [[CA:Root_Certificate_Requests|Applying for inclusion of CA root certificates]]. This gives step-by-step instructions on how to apply to Mozilla to have your CA's root certificate(s) included in Mozilla products.

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