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126 bytes added, 15:43, 24 January 2014
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Hey, I'm Michelle Thorne, Global Events Strategist at the Mozilla Foundation. I want to help empower Mozilla community members to host live events and to improve the overall impact of events Mozilla organizes and participates in.
My biggest project at the moment:  Mozilla Festival on Media, Freedom I care about helping more people to [[Webmaker | teach and learn about the WebNovember 4 - 6, Ravensbourne College, London, UKhttp://mzlweb]].la/festivaldate
My team runs trainings to help people improve their teaching and web literacy, campaigns to bring more people to Mozilla and to understand the web, and learning pathways around web literacy that our community and the broader world can rip and remix.
I also organize the [[Festival2013 | Mozilla Festival]] and support [[Webmaker/Campaign | Maker Party]].
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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