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Gecko:Task List

80 bytes added, 09:02, 23 April 2008
Outstanding "Want To Have" Features
* XBL2 implementation
* Eliminate XUL box objects in favour of APIs directly on XUL elements
* Work on cairo OpenGL backend (glitz?)
* SVG SMIL support
* SVG fonts [karlt]
* SVG in <img>
* Finish SVG 1.1 filters
* Features comparable to The Venice Project's XUL compositor: caching content subtree rendering in graphics memory
* Features comparable to The Venice Project's XUL compositor: DOM feature to visually clone another element in the document
* Profile sharing
* HTML speculative parsing to kick off parallel resource loads
* Advanced PDF output (bookmarks, clickable links, form fields)
=== Outstanding "Want To Have" Cleanup ===

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