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146 bytes added, 02:59, 31 March 2014
Sending Attachments
* Maximum file size
** Future: {{bug|949498}} will raise the sending limit to 25 MiB. This change is targeted at v2.0 (previously named v1.5) but is not guaranteed.
** v1.3+: Maximum aggregate size of all attachments is limited to 5 megabytes, but {{bug|871897}} has been fixed and so the app is capable of sending much larger attachments without crashing if the limit is relaxed. (Tests included sending a 29MB video.) We have not raised the limit because there are still potential memory issues with downloading large attachments in the e-mail app, mail servers frequently enforce maximum message size limits, and the larger the message the larger a chance of a send failure.
** v1.1-v1.2: Maximum aggregate size of all attachments is limited to 5 megabytes, memory usage will be high.

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