* Figure out how to support file syncing when there is no user account. For example, uuid generated that gets used to lookup a folder when re-connecting instead of a user account.
* Ability to upload files by sending an email (similar to how Kindle supports getting files on your Kindle via email attachments with a special email address per user)
==User Stories==
Examples of things we'd like MakeDrive to be able to support:
* Jen has never used Webmaker before. She visits nimble.webmaker.org and sees an editor with an index.html page. She is able to make changes and save them. After editing this page for a while, she decides to publish it, and claims jen.makes.org, where her new page is now visible.
* A few days later, Jen decides to add an image to her home page on jen.makes.org. She goes back to nimble.webmaker.org, and is able to open her existing work. She drags-and-drops the image into the editor, and it gets "uploaded".
* At work the next day, Jen sees an animated gif that she wants to add to her page. She uses her work computer to visit nimble.webmaker.org. She is able to sign-in and her files appear, where she adds the gif, saves, and publishes, before sharing the link to her jen.makes.org/ page with her colleague.
* Claudia has created many web components for AppMaker using Nimble. While attending a hackathon, she decides to create a new one by using one of her old ones as a template. She doesn't have Internet access at the event, but is able to open nimble.webmaker.org, find her old component, and save it with a new name, before editing it. She uses Nimble's built-in web server (nohost) to preview and demo her work at the event.
* Wei is traveling and has an afternoon to kill. He visits a local library, where he has a great idea for a web page that shows a map of where he's been along with some photos. He visits nimble.webmaker.org, and specifies that he's using an untrusted computer. He is able to access his old files, where some of his images live. He creates a new web page, uses a Map API in JS, saves and publishes everything before emailing his friends the link to his make. When he's done he closes the browser he's been using, which deletes all the files he was accessing locally (they are saved in Webmaker's server).
* How much total storage do we allow?
* What does sharing look like? Read-only, collaborator (can get Read+Write), owner?
* Should we store our apps in the filesystem?