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1,614 bytes added, 16:52, 16 June 2008
== L10n ==
Firefox 3 - final preparations
* Pascal completed international product pages on the 48 locales that we are shipping (plus 2 betas sl and si), those two have web pages but their pages were created late and not really tested so they probably have some visual bugs here and there, and we finished work on the mozilla-europe website for the launch including new design.
*Stuff still to do:
** release notes for localization last Friday (thanks Mike), we should have them ready for launch for 8 to 10 Tier 1/2 locales
* axel/mic started updating [[L10n:Localization_Process| documentation]] to ensure all new localizer teams have latest information for building out for Fx3 and not Fx2
* Firefox 3.1 localization; no progress made, Axel called out for some help in .planning
Locales to shout out!
* Bulgarian, has resurfaced and is working again on build for shipping in 3.0.1
Community Development
* Community portal - team has met with dboswell, jslater, fantasai, sheppy, sam sidler on new redesign and with JSlater on get-involved pages - there are some synergies in the efforts that are being explored to share efforts; gandalf and seth are working on creating a community pack that includes templates for local websites, clarification on support for hosting, instructions on (link to) how to access the l10n server, potential PR templates, link to other Mozilla services for l10n community members like event supports, swag, and community giving/empowerment program; more to come
More details on what we're working on can always be found on our weekly meeting [[L10n:Status| notes]]
= Foundation Updates =

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