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SpeechRTC - Speech enabling the open web

1 byte added, 21:14, 22 May 2014
The Server
== The Server ==
On In online mode, the nodejs application who receive that receives audio and grammars grammar from peers is responsible to handle the connection with the voice server, who then decode opus to pcm and pass it to the decoder when dealing with recognition, or swicth switch the language model when requested to. Some argued with me on the past about also running the decode on node, but I decided that would be better to the project decouple it, since we may need to use different decoders and voice servers that may not run on javascript.
On In offline mode, currently the decode is made on a webworker, but the ideal is to run it on a separate standalone process and communicate through IPC. This can reduce the overhead dramatically of running on javascript and enable even the $25 phone to have offline speech recognition.
== The speech decoder ==

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