== Aknow ==
*'''Done: landed'''
*# {{Bug|10279961028099}} - Telephony marionette test: change emulator.run to promise versionhangup all calls locally in setup stage*# {{Bug|1027513}} - Telephony dom refactoring: extract CreateNewCall
*# {{Bug|10275131031239}} - Telephony dom refactoring: extract CreateNewCall (r+)Automatically select sim card for emergency call*# {{Bug|1028099}} - Telephony marionette test: hangup all calls locally in setup stage (r+)* Functionality changes. No impact to current interface.
*# {{Bug|1027478}} - Modify telephony API from dialEmergency(number, serviceId) to dialEmergency(number)
*#* Remove the optional parameter after gaia changes their usage. No behavior differences.
*# {{bug|784429}} - [WebAPI] WebTelephony: Hang-up while connecting, call is not terminated
*# {{bug|936982}} - Hanging all calls inside conference call leaves additional "connected" status to last hangup call
*# {{Bug|838920}} - Intermittent test_outgoing_hangup_alerting.js
*# {{bug|889737}} - [MMI] Unify both sendMMI() and dial() functions