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1,533 bytes added, 16:06, 11 July 2014
Created page with "= Mobile Identity API = The Mobile Identity WebAPI enables web application authors to obtain a verified phone number ([ MSISDN]) after the u..."
= Mobile Identity API =
The Mobile Identity WebAPI enables web application authors to obtain a verified phone number ([ MSISDN]) after the user selected the number to be shared and gave explicit permission to the app to obtain it.

== DOM API ==
dictionary MobileIdOptions {
boolean forceSelection = false;
partial interface Navigator {
Promise getMobileIdAssertion(optional MobileIdOptions options);

The returned Promise will be resolved with a verifiable [ BrowserId] assertion containing the user's phone number as the ''verifiedMSISDN'' field or it will be rejected with a [ DOMError] object containing one of the following error strings:


=== Permission model ===
The API is exposed to Firefox OS privileged and certified applications that should list the ''mobileid'' permission in their manifests.
The user needs to provide explicit permission to the origin requesting the phone number. This permission is given through the user agent chrome UI and it is remembered per origin by default.
[[File:MobileIdFxosDialog.gif|480px|thumb|center|Mobile Identity Firefox OS dialog]]
=== Code example ===

= Implementation details =
== Current status ==
Implemented and enabled in Firefox OS 2.0 and allowed for certified and privileged apps.

== Tracking bugs ==

== High level architecture ==

Navigation menu