From MozillaWiki
- install/configure the OS and supporting libraries
- image a RHEL4 server with the minimum install;
- install the gd and php-gd packages from RHN (Drupal's image module depends on this);
- stop and restart Apache to make PHP load the php-gd DSO;
- create an sfx user and sfx group that will own the files in the installation;
- configure Apache for the appropriate testing spreadfirefox.com subdomain name (f.e. temp.spreadfirefox.com) with the configuration file in CVS (mozilla/webtools/sfx/XXX);
- configure Apache to require username/password-based access to the site with some random username/password until the site is ready for public access;
- install/configure Drupal
- install Drupal 4.6.x and create database according to instructions that come with package;
- create the directories extra, file, galleries, images, img, and sfx_util;
- install the files affiliates,ph., apply.php, asa.jpg, blake.jpg, cron_clear_cache.php, cron_rollcall_climbers.php, don.php, ffcounter.js, logo.jpg, mirror.php, news.xml, and rss10.xml from CVS (mozilla/webtools/sfx/XXX);
- create the first account, which will have administration privileges, by accessing the site and following its instructions; make the username be "admin", the password be the standard sysadmin password for web sites, and the email address be sysadmins@mozilla.org (XXX sysalerts@mozilla.org?);
- install/configure Drupal modules
- blog and forum core modules
- enable the modules: administer -> modules -> blog|forum -> enabled
- let authenticated users edit their own blog: administer -> access control -> blog module -> edit own blog -> authenticated user;
- let authenticated users create and edit forum topics: administer -> access control -> forum module -> create forum topics|edit forum topics -> authenticated user;
- image module
- install the module per instructions;
- enable the module: administer -> modules -> image -> enabled;
- create directories the module uses by visiting the module's settings page: administer -> settings -> image;
- let authenticated users create images: administer -> access control -> image module -> create images -> authenticated user;
- sfx runs a modified version of this module; image_validate() has been modified in image.module to check for an image before uploading, i.e. server-side form validation; replace image.module with the version of the file in CVS (mozilla/webtools/sfx/XXX);
- captcha module
- install the module per instructions;
- enable the module: administer -> modules -> captcha -> enabled;
- let anonymous and authenticated users access captchas: administer -> access control -> captcha -> access captchas -> anonymous user|authenticated user;
- use captcha during user registration: administer -> settings -> captcha -> Check during user registration;
- sfx runs a modified version of this module;
- privatemsg module;
- install the module per instructions;
- enable the module: administer -> modules -> privatemsg -> enabled;
- let authenticated users access private messages: administer -> access control -> privatemsg module -> access private messages -> authenticated user;
- install/enable the flexinode module;
- blog and forum core modules
- file and directory permissions
- make all files chmod 755;
- make all directories chmod 644;
- make everything owned by the sfx user and in the sfx group;
- put files/ into the apache group and make it chmod 775;