From MozillaWiki
Notes and Caveats
You must connect to the Windows boxes with a RDP client set to 24-bit color mode otherwise the reftests in /mozilla/modules/libpr0n/test/reftest/
will start failing, until the display is reset back to 24-bit mode (eg, by disconnecting and/or rebooting).
Steps to Try
Please try these steps in order - if the third step (manual clobber) doesn't work contact bhearsum, robcee, or coop.
1. Check Slave is Connected/Force a Build
- check waterfall at: http://qm-rhel02.mozilla.org:2005/ (mpt-vpn)
- see if slave is connected.
- if so, click the machine name link, try a "Force Build"
- fill out the name and reason fields, click the button
2. Restarting the Slave
- login to machine using provided credentials using Windows Remote Desktop
- on windows, ctrl-C in the command window, answer Yes to terminate buildbot process
- check the Task Manager to see if there are any stuck sh.exe and make.exe processes
- if so, reboot the machine using whatever means necessary (the stuck sh.exe and make.exe processes can make shutting down tricky. Kill them if you can)
- when machine is rebooted, log back in and open a command prompt
- restart buildbot:
- cd c:\
- buildbot start slave (command does not return)
- minimize the cmd.exe window
- check the waterfall at: http://qm-rhel02.mozilla.org:2005/
- the slave sometimes takes a couple of minutes to reconnect
- if it does, and is necessary, click the machine name link and force a build as above (fill name and reason fields, click the button)
3. Clobbering Manually
- Sometimes a machine will need to be "clobbered" (have its build directory removed inside the slave dir)
- login to the machine.
- stop the slave (as above, ctrl-C in the command window)
- check the task manager to make sure there are no errant sh.exe or make.exe files.
- If there are, kill them (End process on sh.exe) or reboot the machine
- from the Command Line:
- cd C:\slave
- rmdir /s /q trunk_2k3 for qm-win2k3-01
- restart the slave
- cd \
- buildbot start slave (command does not return)
- minimize cmd.exe window
Contact Robcee or Bhearsum if you need to go to Step 4
4. Restarting the Farm
- In the worst case, the entire buildbot farm needs to be restarted
- shutdown each slave as per the instructions: Unittest:Linux:ITSupport Unittest:Mac:ITSupport
- shutdown master on qm-rhel02
- cd /build
- buildbot stop master
- reboot qm-rhel02 and slave machines if necessary (stuck processes, strange behavior)
- restart master on qm-rhel02
- cd /build
- buildbot start master
- restart slaves as above
- qm-centos5-01, qm-centos5-02, qm-centos5-04, qm-xserve01, qm-xserve06, qm-win2k3-01, qm-win2k3-02, qm-win2k3-pgo01
- verify waterfall at http://qm-rhel02.mozilla.org:2005/ is visible and slaves are connected