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I am most interested in Mozilla: The Framework. If you'd offer me the choice: "applet in Java" or "applet in XUL" I'd take the last, as long as implementation would be possible this way. My main whishes for the Mozilla are:

  • inline, scriptable SVG (including animation) support, happily this is being worked on
  • direct LDAP support in the backend, so Bookmarks, Contacts and Settings can be stored/retreived with an LDAP enabled Firefox/Thunderbird/Suite from any place in the world. This should be usable from any application written with a XUL/Gecko runtime, once it exists. It would then be another service offered by the engine. This is also being worked on, at least the roaming part, as far as I gave seen.
  • Python scripting support. This means the ability to use Python instead of Javascript in the XUL. Perfect would be an extension for the engine, that allows any scripting-language to be used or even external binary modules. This would greatly enhance spread of Mozilla, as an application programming platform.
  • a default-extension (service), that allows customization of any XUL applications toolbar/menu with the added feature for users binding own (external) scripts to the menu-elements/toolbar-buttons.
  • In the end I'd love to see a full desktop being based on XPFE et al. Since I am more of a power-user (who does scripting) than a "real" programmer, the ease, with which I can build tools for my every days computing needs with Mozilla is a luckyfying(?) breeze :-) I think this is the strongest component in the Mozilla architecture. Everyone who has used the OS standard scripting on AmigaOS might know, how wonderful it is for a user to be able to extend applications with the one and same scripting-technology, IPCing the apps in 'poweruserspace'. Mozilla could become this.
  • Not directly related maybe, but I'd love ports of Mozilla to Smartphones and PDAs, especially once the full roaming support is ready.

Yours, Andreas

I agree completely. I think these Python/XUL proposals aim at creating a great development platform - much better than anything in X-Windows/Win32/MacOSX has seen up-to-day. Only thing I would add - it would be nice to play nicely with environment-specific component systems, so (say) KParts and DCOP would be directly scriptable from KXulRunner.

Yours, Michal