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My name is Anthony Hughes (typically go by ashughes) and I work as a quality engineer on Mozilla's DOM team from Mozilla's office in Vancouver, Canada.

I was introduced to open source (and Mozilla) in 2006 by David Humphrey, a professor at Seneca College in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After volunteering for a few years, I transitioned to being a paid contributor in 2010. Starting out as an add-on reviewer I became involved with QA (quality assurance), testing Firefox features, driving Firefox releases, developing strategies, and running test events for the community. I lead a QA strategy to ship the first version of Firefox Hello (WebRTC based calling in the browser) and developed experiments to test GPU Process (a foundational piece of the Quantum architecture).

I am currently a member of the Product Integrity group working on improvements in automation coverage.

When I'm not working on Firefox I volunteer with the Green Party of Canada, Green Party of British Columbia, and Green Party of Vancouver.

In my spare time I'm usually hiking up some mountain or just traveling somewhere new with my partner.

Contact Info

Work Plan

Legend: ☑ Completed task | ☐ Upcoming task

Professional Development
☐ Read Peopleware
☐ Read Managing Humans
Mozilla IRIS
☑ Vet the installation process for Mozilla IRIS
☑ Assist in recruiting an Outreachy intern to improve the control panel UI
☐ Develop and execute a deployment strategy
☐ Develop and execute a communications strategy
☐ Develop and execute a community participation strategy
☐ Develop a plan to deploy Mozilla IRIS to at least one team outside the Product Integrity group
☐ Set up a mini deployment at the YVR office
Carry Over
☑ Transition Alin Rus from WebRender benchmarking to IRIS test development
☑ Transition Roxana Robotin from WebRTC test maintenance to IRIS test development
NOV 19 - NOV 23, 2018
☑ Create a communications page in the github wiki - [1]
☐ Develop a Mozilla Iris test case - #106
☑ Set up a MacOS machine to run Iris tests and vet deployment process
☐ Work with the Release QA SV team to deploy Iris for update testing Beta builds