From MozillaWiki
String Formatting
- Comma separated list
<code> values = a ifdef b values += v endef null=# SPACE=$(null) $(null) comma=, formatted = $(subst $(SPACE),$(comma),$(values)) </code>
- Conditional logic for files
<code> files = $(wildcard files/of/interest/*) logs = $(findstring .log,$(files)) targets =$(null) targets += $(if $(logs),digest_logs) digest_logs: echo "Logfiles to process: $(logs)" </code>
- On windows care should be taken when shell commands are used to gather file dependencies. Windows paths that contain a drive letter will strongly resemble multiple make targets.
<code> deps = c:\foo\bar0 c:\foo\bar1 c:\foo\bar2 $(deps): echo $@ </code>