
Member since September, 2013
Raghuram Korukonda
Personal Information
City: Hyderabad
Country: INDIA
Mozilla-specific Information
Wiki-Username: Kraghu306
Mentor: Ananthula User:Srikar Ananthula
Miscellaneous Information
private Mail:
GPG-Key: {{{gpg}}}
Website: [ Raghuram's Website]
Twitter: imkraghu kraghu306
Jabber: kraghu306
IRC: kraghu306 on in


Co-Founder of Mozilla Club Hyderabad I am an enthusiastic learner, always open to exploring and mastering new technologies. I actively contribute to localization efforts, engage as a speaker, organize local events, and have advocated for Mozilla's Firefox OS and Open Web Application development.


Mozilla Session in our College in the National Level Fest - ADASTRA 2012
Mozilla interactive session at KITS college, Warangal
Mozilla Club Initiative @ Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology
Firefox OS App Days @ Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology
Firefox OS Hackathon @ ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad
Mozilla Club Initiative by Aurora Technological and Research Institute
For more updates check the Mozilla Club Hyderabad.

Monthly reports

Here are the monthly reports of this user:

  • "User:Srikar Ananthula" is not in the list (User:Vineel, User:Vikingkarwur, User:Kinger, User:Majken, User:Nukeador, User:Ppapadeas, User:Rami, User:Deimidis, User:Wquiviger, User:Xelawafs, ...) of allowed values for the "Mentor" property.
  • Property "Gpg" (as page type) with input value "{{{gpg}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
  • Using "" as property chain is not permitted during the annotation process.
  • "{{{sigmentors}}}" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.
  • "{{{sigpr}}}" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.
  • "{{{sigmarketing}}}" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.
  • "{{{sigdev}}}" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.
  • Property "Sigsumo" (as page type) with input value "{{{sigsumo}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
  • Property "Sigqa" (as page type) with input value "{{{sigqa}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.