User talk:Mulvad/draft

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Our goal is to deliver several small releases over the next two quarters until we reach an alpha release. The milestones described here are not full-fledged releases but merely meant to represent dates tied together with deliverables. The dates are also meant for initial planning purposes and may change.

Milestone Release Date Release Notes
M1 April 4, 2008
M2 April 18, 2008
M3 May 9, 2008
M4 May 30, 2008
M5 June 20, 2008
M6 July 11, 2008
A1 August 1, 2008 - Fennec Alpha 1


Priority Description
P1 Mandatory - The set of features required as a minimum for this release to be complete. The product will not ship without these.
P2 Highly Desirable - A key feature that will make the product more complete, has great benefits to the end-user and major strategic impact.
P3 Nice to Have - Lowest priority feature that may be incorporated, dropping first in favour of delivering P2 items.
P4 Future - Intended for future release, included as they may influence design decisions and should be associated with the roadmap.
D Deleted - Requirements that have been deleted from the product roadmap.
Px Tentative - Requirements that are proposed but have not yet been approved


Item Description
AR At Risk - There is a risk that the feature will not be complete before the targeted milestone.
CO Complete - Feature has been completed.
CU Cut - Feature has been cut from this release.
HW Help Wanted - If you know anything about this feature, please jump in and help.
style="background-color: lightblue;" In Progress - Work is in progress, but not far enough along to indicate whether it is on track or at risk.
NS Needs Spec - Specification/documentation needed.
OT On Track - Feature is on track for the targeted milestone.


Platform Support

Linux (Maemo) bug 436201
P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M1 OT Installer bug 418851
P?M? Update manager
P?M? Soft Keyboard bug 426344
P1M? Application menu bug 426291
P?M? File picker bug 426292
P?M? Banners (alerts) bug 426293
P1M? Better theme support bug 426299
P?M? Expose camera API
P?M? Expose address book API

Windows Mobile 6
P/M Status Feature Bug
P?M? Installer
P?M? Update manager

Qt 4.4
P/M Status Feature Bug
P?M? Installer
P?M? Update manager

Navigating to Web content

In most mobile browsers, basic activities like URL entry, bookmarking and search are too hard to use. These need attention, and "awesome-bar" like innovation. An equivalent to multiple windows/tabs is needed.

Basic navigation
P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M1 CO Simple URL entry
P1M1 CO Back
P1M1 CO Forward
P1M1 CO Reload page
P1M1 style="background-color: lightblue;" History
P1M1 style="background-color: lightblue;" Awesome-bar URL entry
P1M2 style="background-color: lightblue;" Search box in toolbar (depends on screen size)

P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M1 style="background-color: lightblue;" Basic Add bookmark
P1M1 CO Star page
P1M1 NS Foldering
P?M? Live Bookmarks

Tab support
P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M3 Tab support

Advanced Navigation
P/M Status Feature Bug
P?M? Search in current window
P?M? Search in all open tabs
P?M? Search on device
P?M? Download Manager
P?M? Popup Blocker

Navigating within a page

Fennec will enable quick and intuitive access to the content of interest on a given Web page.

P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M1 Standard view
P1M3 Full-screen mode
P2M3 Switch between portrait and landscape mode

P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M2 Zoom to fit page
P1M2 Zoom to fit the width of the display area
P4 Zoom to fit the height of the display area
P1M1 Zoom to relevant section

Scrolling and panning
P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M1 CO Scrolling - discreet (e.g., page-up/down line up/down)
P1M1 Panning - smooth movement
P1M3 Keyboard shortcuts
P2M3 Special effects

P/M Status Feature Bug
P2M3 Single column display
P1M2 Fit to width
P4M3 Fit to height
P1M3 Scrollbar-free layout
P4M3 Viewport meta tag

P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M1 Spatial Navigation
P4M3 Virtual mouse
P?M? Device API for input integration



P/M Status Feature Bug
P1M3 Add-on discovery
P1M1 style="background-color: lightblue;" Install
P1M1 style="background-color: lightblue;" View installed add-ons
P1M1 style="background-color: lightblue;" Remove add-on

Device integration





P/M Status Feature Bug
P2M3 Send link as SMS
P2M3 Send link as email

Developer tools

P/M Status Feature Bug
P2M3 Mobile Firebug
P2M3 Remote debugging
P2M3 XUL simulator