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Bugzilla issues

Bug 1609923 - [meta] Provide WebExtensions APIs bindings to the extensions background.service_worker global scope

Full Query
ID Whiteboard Priority Status Summary Assigned to Target milestone
1609920 P1 RESOLVED Allow WebExtensions Framework to register a moz-extension:// script as a service worker Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) mozilla80
1682632 [mv3-m2] P1 RESOLVED Expose in extension background service workers WebExtensions API webidl bindings Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 91 Branch
1688040 [mv3-m2] P1 RESOLVED Integrate WebIDL-based WebExtensions API bindings with the WebExtensions framework internals Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 95 Branch
1724026 [mv3-m2] P1 RESOLVED support test configuration for mv3 worker Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 98 Branch
1724183 [mv3-m2] P1 RESOLVED Add to test API WebIDL bindings implementations for the remaining assertion methods Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 95 Branch
1748714 [addons-jira] P1 RESOLVED Fix conversion to WebIDL for API methods with a JSONSchema definition that includes an optional parameters followed by non optional ones Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 100 Branch
1728326 [mv3-m2] P1 RESOLVED Notify to the WebExtensions internals when extension background service workers are being spawned or terminated Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 96 Branch
1728327 [mv3-m2] P1 RESOLVED Spawn the active extension background service worker when an extension event is triggering it Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 97 Branch
1757727 [addons-jira] P2 RESOLVED Regenerate ExtensionTest.webidl to use new methods signature on optional parameters introduced in Bug 1748714 Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 100 Branch
1723785 [mv3-m2] P2 RESOLVED Add a test_test_in_background_worker test case to test_ext_test.html mochitest ---
1723838 [mv3-m2] P2 RESOLVED add webidl dns bindings Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 111 Branch
1749064 [addons-jira] P2 RESOLVED Create a pytest suite to cover JSONSchema to WebIDL python scripts GenerateWebIDLBindings.py / InspectJSONSchema.py Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 100 Branch
1724726 [mv3-m2] P2 RESOLVED convert browser settings to webidl ---
1724729 [mv3-m2] P2 RESOLVED convert webRequest to webidl ---
1724730 [mv3-m2] P2 RESOLVED convert proxy to webidl ---
1724785 [mv3-m2] P2 RESOLVED Add to the WebExtensions API in-tree docs new content related to the WebIDL bindings Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) ---
1748293 [addons-jira] P2 RESOLVED add browserSettings webidl binding Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 111 Branch
1728328 [mv3-m3] P3 NEW User Handling on API requests originated from the background service worker ---
1728535 [mv3-m3] P3 NEW Validate and normalize methods parameters part of a WebExtensions API object ---
1748291 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add action webidl bindings ---
1748292 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add bookmarks webidl binding ---
1728324 [mv3-m3] P3 NEW [meta] Measure and evaluate performance and memory usage improvements on the Background Service Worker API request handling ---
1748294 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add captivePortal webidl binding ---
1748295 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add clipboard webidl binding ---
1748296 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add commands webidl binding ---
1748297 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add contextualIdentities webidl binding ---
1748298 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add cookies webidl binding ---
1748299 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add downloads webidl binding ---
1748301 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add extensions api webidl binding ---
1748302 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add find webidl binding ---
1748303 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add history webidl binding ---
1748304 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add i18n webidl binding ---
1748305 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add idle webidl binding ---
1748306 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add management webidl binding ---
1748307 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add menu webidl binding ---
1748308 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add notification webidl binding ---
1748310 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add pkcs11 webidl binding ---
1748311 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add permissions webidl binding ---
1748312 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add privacy webidl binding ---
1748313 [addons-jira] P3 RESOLVED add proxy webidl binding Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 111 Branch
1748314 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add omnibox webidl binding ---
1748315 [addons-jira] P3 RESOLVED add scripting webidl binding William Durand [:willdurand] 105 Branch
1748316 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add sessions webidl binding ---
1748317 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add storage webidl binding ---
1748318 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add tabs webidl binding ---
1748319 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add themes webidl binding ---
1748320 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add webNavigation webidl binding ---
1748321 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add webRequest webidl binding ---
1748322 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add windows webidl binding ---
1748323 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add search webidl binding ---
1748324 [addons-jira] P3 NEW add sidebarAction webidl binding ---
1748680 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Determine and Document how to create Thunderbird-specific Extensions webidl bindings API ---
1748684 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Add support for Experimental APIs in the WebIDL bindings ---
1748692 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Move all Extension APIs webidl files into a separate webidl dir ---
1725478 [mv3-m2] P3 NEW WebIDL bindings for the API namespace and methods locked behind permissions should not be accessible when the permission isn't granted ---
1723852 [mv3-m2] P3 NEW add webidl identity bindings ---
1713877 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Determine long term replacement for LegacyNoInterfaceObject WebIDL attribute used in the WebExtensions WebIDL binding definitions ---
1762591 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Consider generating WebIDL dictionaries for WebExtensions API types used in API methods ---
1762592 [addons-jira] P3 RESOLVED Consider supporting mapping to AsyncAmbiguous through GenerateWebIDLBindings.py config file Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 104 Branch
1782702 [addons-jira] -- RESOLVED Update header files (and template) to have the member variables at the end of the class definition William Durand [:willdurand] 105 Branch

60 Total; 39 Open (65%); 21 Resolved (35%); 0 Verified (0%);

Bug 1573659 - [meta] Background Service Worker for Manifest v3

Full Query
ID Whiteboard Priority Status Summary Assigned to Target milestone
1609920 P1 RESOLVED Allow WebExtensions Framework to register a moz-extension:// script as a service worker Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) mozilla80
1638097 [mv3-m2] P2 RESOLVED Ensure that service workers registration related to temporarily installed addons are not persisted across restarts Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 92 Branch
1723711 [mv3-m3] P3 NEW Support Extension Background Service Worker while Firefox is running in permanent private browsing mode ---
1575625 P3 RESOLVED moz-extension:// schema is not considered secure for Cache Web API André Natal 90 Branch
1344561 P3 REOPENED consider supporting moz-extension:// service workers ---
1609923 P3 NEW [meta] Provide WebExtensions APIs bindings to the extensions background.service_worker global scope ---
1775618 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Warn instead of failing hard when background SW declaration contains unrecognized properties ---
1844486 [addons-jira] P3 NEW BackgroundWorker build and shutdown should gracefully handle early interruption ---
1879517 P3 NEW Cannot load service_worker from subdirectory in extension ---
1638098 [mv3-m3] P3 NEW Make sure that service workers registered by extensions are not being cleared by browsingData API or by clearing all the website data ---
1638099 [mv3-m2] P3 RESOLVED Mark extension service worker registrations as disabled when an extension does shutdown Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 92 Branch
1687778 [addons-jira][wecg] P3 NEW MV3 in-memory storage API (storage.session) ---
1722354 [mv3-m3] P3 NEW Evaluate what AddonTestUtils.promiseShutdownManager should do on the extension worker registration in the long run ---
1748662 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Wake up background service worker on runtime messaging API listeners Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) ---
1748665 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Wake up background service worker on persisted listeners ---
1748668 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Move the extension background service worker inside the about:debugging extension cards ---
1748676 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Consider supporting background service workers on builds where the extension child process is disabled ---
1775574 [addons-jira][wecg] P3 REOPENED Support type: "module" (background service worker as a ES module) ---
1790087 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Introducing new telemetry probes related to the WebExtensions MV3 background service workers suspends and resumes ---
1810574 [addons-jira] P3 NEW Exception raised from WebExtensions API event listeners subscribed by a Background Service Worker should be made listed in the AddonDebugging toolbox ---
1845931 P3 RESOLVED Enable WebExtensions mochitest-serviceworker.ini on Android Luca Greco [:rpl] [:luca] [:lgreco] (PTO back on July 23) 119 Branch
1587876 -- NEW [meta] Adapt WebExtensions APIs to support suspendible extension contexts ---

22 Total; 17 Open (77.27%); 5 Resolved (22.73%); 0 Verified (0%);