From MozillaWiki
Mozilla Fellows and Leaders
Evolve Fellows programs -- and build a leadership development offering
- Strategy: Find and invest in the next generation of open web leaders in their area of topic expertise who can galvanize more people and drive change
- Develop a strategic plan for growing the scale and impact of this part of Mozilla’s learning and community work over the next 10 years
- Develop fellows programs science, web literacy and core computer science research related to the future of the web. For web literacy, focus potential fellows program in US, Africa and Asia
- Expand and improve training for Webmaker mentors in concert with ReMo.
- As part of this, prototype a ‘Working the Mozilla Way’ element of this training that could be adapted to use with Mozilla staff and volunteers in other areas
Before. Where do we stand now?
- News: http://opennews.org/fellowships/
- Advocacy: https://advocacy.mozilla.org/open-web-fellows/
- Science: under development
- Web Literacy Fellows: to be proposed (Libraries, Africa Digital Leaders etc.)
- Hive Fellows: to be proposed; spontaneous Hive leaders are invited into a program to be part of this alumni network
After. What this will look like in Dec 2015?
Common on-boarding, curriculum, and metrics
- We have a horizontal search and application process (i.e., underneath each fellowship's application period /campaign, there's a common CRM and set of processes).
- We have a common leadership/skill development playbook, and fellows will earn certification.
- We have a common way/curriculum for fellows to understand Mozilla's history, culture, values and vision - participate in workshops/discussions with Mozilla leadership and staff.
- We have common way for fellows to create and implement an individual action plan with specific goals and metrics during and post-fellowship.
Possible common metrics and measurements across fellows
- Earn Mozilla Fellow credentials (including leadership skills)
- Progress on an individual action plan i.e. activities/action project during and post fellowship? progress on sustainable infrastructure to spread and sustain Mozilla values within and across topic area/community?
- Required documentation/story telling of projects (video, research, blogging, etc.)
- to come
- to come