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aSTEAM Village / 3D Multi-School Learning Wiki

We utilize next generation telepresence technology to teach computer programming and video game design in a multi-school setting. aSTEAM Village continues to implement community learning model strategies focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math education as the means to uplift, unite, inspire and strengthen our community by engaging students, parents, educators and businesses at a common spaces.

We will serve 1,380 students who will attend coding camps at Benjamin Banneker Charter Academy of Technology, St. Peter's Catholic School, Academie Lafayette French Immersion Charter School and Brull Home School group better known as the Gemini Gentlemen.


  • 1: Benjamin Banneker Charter Academy of Technology
  • 2: St. Peter's Catholic School
  • 3: Academie Lafayette French Immersion Charter School
  • 4: Brull Home School Group "Gemini Gentlemen"
  • 5: Students wrap up the summer session with a multi-school video-conference call with Martin Culbert, Director of K-12 Education at DigiPen Institute of Technology. The funding cut eliminated the opportunity to deliver the SightDeck 3-D solution for distance learning. We had to use a 2D service, WebEx, to hold our multi-classroom, multi-school webinar.
  • 6: aSTEAM Village wraps up its participation of the Spring Pilot by receiving feedback from students, facilitators and parents of the students who participated in the computer coding and video game design summer camps.

aSTEAM Village Partners

Despite being underfunded, aSTEAM Village was able to reach more students than all of the other funded projects thanks to the contribution of Google Fiber.

The $5,000 Mozilla Community Fund grant award calculated to $3.57 per student served. Google Fiber provided $14,000 to enable aSTEAM Village to deliver Computer Programming 101 & 102 curriculum to all 1,400 students. That's nearly a $10 per student commitment by Google Fiber. Without the Google Fiber contribution aSV would not have been able to uphold its commitment to the students and families of providing access to computer coding programs for summer camps.

Thank you Google Fiber and of course, thank you Mozilla Community Fund, without your contribution in addition to Google's, the success of the program could have never been achieved.

Metrics & Outcomes

Tech Outcomes

We will build X. Y people will visit it. Z remixes will be made. This technology is new and innovative because... Etc.

Learning Outcomes

The Video Game Design initiative was carried out at four locations with over 1,300 students participating and completing over 4,300 projects. This summer through the aSTEAM Village Video Game Design and Coding Summer Camps students wrote over 200,000 lines of code.

Community Outcomes

We will share how our project impacts the KC community. Stay tuned!

Show & Tell

We'll add cool stuff here. Screenshots, video, etc.

We are Open >> Learn More

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